Chapter 9

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The Start of the Search

The whole time I was packing my stuff, Allen was standing there next to me complaining. Well now he can't complain, because we are already here, in the human world.

"Ok, so you know where Daniels apartment is right?" I asked, looking at Allen. he sighed.

"You knew that I was taking note of Daniels apartment?" I nodded smiling. he smiled back.

"You know me to well." He said starting to walk. I followed smiling.


I knocked on the door.

"Daniel!" I said happily. Daniel opened the door. he sighed.

"Are you really gonna hunt down that red head?" I nodded. Daniel sighed once more, and let us come in. I skipped in happily for some reason. I don't know why, but I am really happy. I sat down on Daniels couch.

"Ok, first before we start, I want to ask you a question. what relationship do you have with the red head?" I asked looking at Daniel. He scratched his head.

"When I was band from the magical world, Caroline was there to take care of me."

"So, do you have some kind of bad or good relationship?" I asked.

"Bad because she was really harsh with me." Daniel said looking away. I looked down.

"Princess, should we start the search?" Allen asked looking at me.

"But we don't know where to start." I pouted. I really want to hunt down that red head, but I really want it to be easy. even though I know it's not going to be.

"You can ask this guy who knows how to get in and out of the human and magical world. Since he knows such rare information, people treat him like a king or something." Daniel said. Allen glared at him.

"You mean, That crazy guy, Dominic?" Allen asked. Daniel nodded.

"I know how he is, but since it's the ice princess, I know he will be willing to make a deal." Daniel said looking at me.

"A deal?" I asked confused.

"He will not tell any information to anybody, unless you make a deal." Daniel said looking at the glaring allen.

"Ok that might be easy, but where is this Dominic?"


"And we are?"

"In South Dakota... I don't think it will take that long to get there." Daniel said looking out the window. I think he has been avoiding eye contact with me...why? Well whatever.

"Ok! then let's get going!" I said standing up.

"Princess, you are gonna have to make your deal carefully when we get there. think it through on our way there." Allen said, giving me a serious look. I nodded. I know how serious this is. I want to take revenge for my father(not killing), and I want to find a antidote that will heal him and help him wake up from his coma.

Don't worry father. I will try my best to help you.

Once we were outside of the apartment building, we looked for a car.

"I can't believe you don't have a car!" Allen yelled at Daniel.

"I don't want to waste money on gas and other stupid stuff for the car! plus it's better for you to walk!" Daniel yelled back. they went back and forth until I couldn't take it anymore.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled at them. they mumbled a sorry, and stayed quiet.

"Oh! I know a person who will let us have a car!" Daniel said.

"Follow me!" he said walking I front of us.


A bell rang as we walked in the store. A young women walked out.

"Can I help- Daniel! what do you need this time?" she said putting her hands on her hips.

"Hi, thanks for welcoming is," he mumbled. I giggled. "we need a car." he said.

"And we is?" She asked looking at me and Allen.

"this is Lucia," he pointed at me, and I waved. "and this is Allen." he said gesturing to Allen.

He leaned in to whisper to the girl. " he is a little crazy in the head." he said looking at him. Allen glared at him, because he could hear him. Well even I could hear him. He whispered pretty loud. The lady laughed.

"Well nice to meet y'all! I am Brianna, but you can call me bri." she said smiling. I smiled back, but Allen just glared at her.

"Follow me and come pick out a car Daniel, and only Daniel. I don't want those two in the back because I don't know you." she said glaring back at Allen. I nodded, but Allen just kept glaring. Once they left, I stomped on Allen's foot. He just looked down at me.

"Why did you keep staring at her? is there something wrong with her?" I asked glaring at him. he nodded.

"I Sense a powerful power coming from her. she is not human." he said staring at the door they went through.

"Well what is she then?" I asked.

"She might be half goblin, but for a half breed she has a lot of power."

"How do you know she is a goblin?" I asked looking at the door know to.

"I have read in books that half breed goblins in the human world, find and sell stuff they stole." he tensed up.

"What's wrong?" I asked looking at him.

"I feel like something bad is going to happen." he said relaxing a little, but he kept his guards up. Daniel walked out with keys.

"Come on, we need to go!" he said running to the door.

"What happened?" I asked following him.

"Brianna is a half breed with a very powerful power, but she can't control it, so it sometimes goes out of control, and when that happens she will take anything in sight, but if the object refuses she kills it." he said turning a corner.

"Why kill it?" I asked scared now.

"Because she is out of control, and her will to have stuff is large." he said running to a black car.

"Get in!" he said getting in the drivers seat. we got in and drove away, but once we turned to leave, Brianna came. she was in her true form. A goblin, and a giant one.

"Push down on the gas Pedal and fast!" I yelled. I rolled down the window, and focused at her feet to freeze her in place. it worked,but she was already breaking free.

"That's it! I have had enough of her slow driving!" I yelled at Daniel. I was terrified when I said that because Daniel said she would kill anything that she wants if it rejects her. I pushed down on his leg that was on the gas pedal, and we zoomed under her legs, and were in the road now. I looked back to she her breaking free of the ice and turning back to normal.

"I told you I had a bad feeling."Allen said smirking.

"Oh, shut up." I said glaring at him. He and Daniel laughed. I don't know why Daniel laughed though....

"Alright let's go to Dominic!" he said speeding up.

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