Chapter 4

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Oh, Home Sweet Home

Once me and Allen arrived at the ice kingdom, he put me down. He told me to go to my room and get ready to go to bed, but I wasn't really tired after meeting daniel. He was on my mind the whole time on our way back. I must have been changed from actually laughing yesterday, but I don't really know. I just went along with what Allen told me, and I actually fell asleep peacefully.


I walked down the hallway wondering what father might do to me for being out so long. As I kept getting closer to my fathers office, I recognized a smell, a sweet smell. Then I saw that tall brown headed, green eyed boy. Daniel. I blushed from seeing him, because he was the first person to ever make me laugh.

"hey Daniel." I said waving. He turned around smiling. I realized something that moment..... Why was he here? He was a half breed. He shouldn't be here! He was banished! I sprinted towards him.

" What are you doing here?! You can be executed for coming back to the ice kingdom after being banished!" I said worriedly looking around for any guards. He smiled even wider and laughed.

" what are you talking honey?" he said still laughing at me for some reason.

"W-What are you talking about?! And why did you call me honey?!" I said with mixed emotions.

"my dad will kill yo-" he stopped my by kissing me. I pulled away and blushed.

"What do you think you are doing?!" I yelled, trying to hit his stomach has hard as I could right now.

"Your father sent hairdos after me to bring me here! He wants to reward me for taking care of you by letting me marry you." he smiled and grabbed my wrist. I started to laugh.

"this is a joke right?" I said, still laughing my butt off. He shook his head, and looked at me with a serious face. He leaned in, and I flinched scared of what he was going to do. I couldn't get away because his grip was so strong. He whispered in my ear, and I looked down trying not to face him.

"I-am-dead-serious." he said in a harsh tone. When I looked up, he was in a tuxedo. I was in a wedding gown, and the grand hall in the ice kingdom was decorated ready for a wedding. I gasped. He was serious. I started to pulling with all my might now. Trying to get away from his strong grip.

"Let.. Go... Of me!!" I yelled, kicking and punching at him. He started to pull me towards the front of the room.

"No!!!" I yelled loud enough for the entire kingdom to hear. I heard a loud bang. I looked at the entrance which was now far away, to see Allen. I started to cry with joy.

"Thank god Allen! Help me!" I yelled happily. Daniel stopped pulling me towards the front, and glared at Allen, as Allen marched his way to the front towards me and daniel. I was smiling now, thankful for having Allen in my life.

"You can't marry her!" Allen yelled at Daniel shoving him.

"why not?!" Daniel yelled back, shoving him with a even greater force.

"Because I am to marry her!" he yelled back even louder. My eyes were wide and my mouth was wide open.

"W-What?!" I yelled at both of them. They turned around and gave me this nasty perverted look.

"yes!" they said together. They started to walk towards me.

"we are to marry you, Lucia!" They came up to me and started to rip my clothes off. I tried to shield them off, but they were to strong.

"NO!!!" I yelled.

"lucia wake up! Lucia wake up!" they repeated over and over again, while I was still shielding myself yelling no. I woke up sitting up straight yelling no as loud as I could. I looked to my side to see Allen giving me a weird look.

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