Chapter 11

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The Deal

We stood there, just staring at each other.

"What's with the whole, 'I have been expecting you' thing?" I asked. That was really stupid.... He gave me a look.

"What?" I crossed my arms.

"i thought that it would make me look cool and mysterious...." he said looking down. I laughed at him. Everyone stared at me.

"I- i am sorry," I whipped a tear from my eye. "That was just great! That was a joke right?" Dominic stared at me with sad eyes. I stopped immediately. I mumbled an apology.

"I didn't expect the ice princess to be so cruel." he said, fake crying.

"Ok, let's just forget about what just happened, and get on with this deal." Allen said glaring at him.

"Oh Allen, it's been a long time!" Dominic said smiling. Wait- how does Allen know him.

"Did you know, before Allen went to the kingdom, Allen was my little helper? I found him on the streets and took him in, and-" he kept going on and on about Allen...why do I even care if he is talking about Allen? what I care about right now is that Allen was his 'little helper' and I didn't even know. why didn't he tell me?

"Hey Lucia." Daniel pushed me. I jumped.

"What?" I asked. I looked at Allen, and he was staring at me. Am I that easy to read? Can he tell that i was wondering why he didn't tell me.

"Lucia," Daniel called my name. he carried the a. "it's time to make the deal." he carried the l.

"oh....ok." I said coming back to reality.

"Well, what do you have in mind?" I asked looking at Dominic. Dominic took one look at the really buff man, and the man knew what Dominic wanted. The man pushed Allen and Daniel out the door and closed the door behind him. Leaving me and Dominic alone in the room. Dominic stood up and walked towards me. I tensed up.

"What do I have in mind." He repeated my question. He walked behind me and bend down and whispered in my ear.

"I want your magic." I turned around immediately.

"My magic?!" I yelled.

"Why? Don't you have enough power as it is right now?" he shook his head.

"That's my concern on how I use it, but it's your choice on to give it to me or not." he said smirking. i looked down at my feet.

"Will I still be able to go home to the magical world?"

"I doubt it, but since your the next queen, maybe so." he walked back to his seat and sat down.

"So, what's your answer?" its for my father....should I? I looked at him.

"Ok, but only until after I find read head." I said glaring at him.

"Very good choice princess!" he said clapping his hands.

"I hope it is." I mumbled.

"So since it's such a big deal, I will give a lot of info. what do you want?" He asked smiling.

"Do you know a red head, Caroline?" he nodded.

"I want to know where she is and the places she goes to." I said putting my hands on my hips.

"Well princess, why do you want to know so much about the fire princess?" my eyes went wide.

"Fire princess?! why would-" I just remembered. The legend of the humans! I totally forgot about that!

"Long story, and none of your business! so tell me my answers!" I glared at him.

"Ok, ok," he started to tell me when and were you kind find caroline....i did not know a fire princess would carry on her ancestors anger, but why now?

"Well goodbye princess! don't forget our deal!" he said smiling and waving. I glared at him then headed for the door.

"Oh and princess," his happy face turned into a serious one. "please watch out for Daniel."

"Wha?" I said confused. he smiled again.

"You don't really know that guy,so I suggest you be careful." I turned around and left the room.

Why would I need to watch out for Daniel? he's an idiot! he won't even harm a fly. I looked over at Daniel who was standing next to the exit, seating at a fly.

Ok, so maybe he will harm a fly. Allen saw me and started to walk towards me.

"So, what was y'all's deal?" he asked.

"Apparently Caroline is the fire kingdoms princess."

"What?!" his eyes were wide.

"What can we do to the fire princess? if we harm her the ice and fire kingdom will go into war!"

"Yea....." what can I do to get back at Caroline? you know, I should've expected her to be princess because one, only a powerful magic creature can use hypnosis on other powerful magic creatures, and two, her hair is red.

"Lucia!" I jumped.

"Yes?" I asked looking at Allen and Daniel.

"I was asking were are we going first?"

"Umm, he said she goes to the famous 'out the back'....what is that?" there jaws dropped.

"Now how are we supposed to blend in?" Allen asked looking at Daniel.

"I don't know....we will be like two unknown people...except for," they both looked at me and smiled.

"What? what do I have to do, and what is out the back?" I am scared now.

"You want to catch her right?" I nodded.

"Well let's just say that out the back is a special place for celebrities." what? that doesn't make any sense......they dragged me to a room and closed the door behind us.


Hey peoplez! I haven't felt like writing lately so that's why I haven't been updating a lot, so ya.

~Katie =^^=

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