Chaper 5

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Not Only The Ice Kingdom

I was wondering in the library at the ice kingdom. As I walked into another section, I noticed this really old book. it even had cobwebs on it. I pulled it off of the shelf, and dust went every where. I coughed, trying to whip away the dust. I gasped once I saw the title. "The human world" I read. I walked to the far table to the corner of the library and sat down. I placed the book on the table and opened it. I flipped the pages to the very first book, and it took me forever! this book was huge, but surprisingly not very heavy...... I found the first page and started to read. It was about the humans and magical creatures in the past, it was about a legend.


Once there was a queen and a king who lived peacefully with the humans. No magical creature or human fought. Instead hey loved each other. The people and magical creatures weren't afraid of anything.... Until the kingdom of fire went mad. The king of fire convinced the dark magic, water magic, and the king of monsters that the humans were using us, but some of the kingdoms didn't beloved that. One day the fire king brought outrageous war to the ice, grass, air, and the human kings. The ice, grass, air, and human kingdoms fought together.

"We love the humans! there is nothing wrong with them!" the magical kingdoms yelled, but the human king though differently. he was having doubts. He decided to make a whole new world for only humans, but while he was making a whole new world, the magical kingdoms were lossing.

"Why?why are you leaving us?" the kings yelling and crying at the human king.

" Maybe the fire king was right..... maybe we should live separately..... goodbye my friends.... I hope this ends your war...." After saying that he left to finish the world for only humans and never came back.

"See I told you that the humans were useless and that they were only usingus!" he said to the 3 helpless kings.

"He was our friend!" the grass king yelled at him.

"And friends will always come back to their friends when they leave!" yelled the air king.

"Friends are useless! and they will always betray you! so give up!" yelled they dark magic king, kicking them down.

"Never! we will always wait for him!" they yelled all together, and just as they said, they waited and waited and waited, but the human king never came back. Still today as the kings die and new ones come and become kings, even those kings waited for the humans, but as timed passed by, people forgot if magic was real and humans kindness.

"Whoa.....what a cool legend."I said closing the book. I stood up and carried the book to my room to read it again. Once I got to my room I hid the book in my closet. Yup, fantastic hiding place! No one will ever find it here...... Or will they? I swear, sometimes I just have blond moments..... Not saying their dumb...... Some blonds are the most smart people in the world........ Ok, I should stop being mean.......

"Lucia!" Allen yelled running in my room. It looked like it was important because he was huffing and puffing from running so fast.

"what is it?" I said leading him to my bed to sit down. He looked up at me worried I will hate the news.

"the king wants you to get married on your birthday, so you can be queen sooner." he said fast. At the end of the sentence, he just plopped down on the bed. I was standing there frozen in my tracks. Allen shivered.

"ok stay calm Lucia. You are using your powers." he was trying to calm me down, and it wasn't working. Instead I was freaking out more. I snapped and was angry and scared now.

"why does he want me to marry so soon?!" I yelled. He looked at me like I was stupid.

"Lucia, actually your in the marrying age right now..... Your only 18....." he said with a stupid look on his face. It made me giggle a little bit, but told myself to get it together, and that it wasn't the time to laugh. I picked up the rim of my dress and headed for the door with Allen right behind me. I bursted through the doors to fathers office. He wasn't in here. I ran to his room. He wasn't in there ether. Now I was worried.

"Uh Lucia.... I forgot to tell you one thing....." Allen said trying to catch up behind me.

"What is it?!" I yelled at him. I didn't mean to yell, but right now I was mad with father.

"um.....your father is in the hospital......apparently he has been working to much, and he reason for you marrying was that he was sick...." he mumbled, but loud enough for me to hear. I gasp. Scared now concurring my anger. I took off for the hospital, hoping my father is ok.


I rushed in the room, spotting my father in a hospital bed. I rushed over to him.

"father! Are you ok?!" I said shedding tears. He whipped my tears away and smiled.

"it's ok Lucia. I am just fine. All I have is a fever...... And I have supposed you have heard about you being engaged.... Plans have changed, you need to marry on your birthday, at your birthday party." he said frowning as if he knew how I felt.

"Can't I just rule the kingdom on my own?! There must be another way!" I cried.

"I am sorry sweetie, but I am sick, so you must marry, and I know you can't do It on your own....." he looked away when he said the last part. Allen , who was standing at the doorway, giggled.

"shaddup!" I yelled at Allen. He was laughing now. My face turned red from anger. Father noticed and ordered Allen to stop.

" I am sorry, but there is no other way, and it's the fasts way because your birthday is in two days." he said gently rubbing my head like he was patting a sad puppy. I haven't even though about my birthday. The party won't be to long to wait for.

"But who's going to marry me?!" I asked father, squeezing the bed covers. He sighed.

"prince Eric,from the air kingdom." he said knowing that I am going to go over to the air kingdom, and demand him not to marry me, but I sighed and let it be. I already knew on day that I was going to have to heir the thrown one day, and marry someone To help me rule. Something just came to me..... Why a air creature...... Not ice.......

"father, why am I not marrying a ice creature?" I asked curious.

"the 3 kingdoms decided to combine kingdoms , so we could all live together peacefully, and we decided to start with you by marrying our children." he said having a sad face.

"I am sorry that I am forcing you to do this, but you know that you had to do it someday." He said looking at me with concerned looking eyes. I nodded.

" It's not like I am going to hate you forever you know. you taught me errrr than that..." I said smiling. he smiled back. he laid on his pillow and closed his eyes.

"Ok. Since we got that settled, can you please leave, so that I can sleep?" he asked. I stood up and left. Right before I left the room, I turned around.

"Have sweet dreams father." I said smiling. I walked out of the door, and headed for my room.

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