Chapter 14

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The Family

Crap. I can't believe I am back to where I started. Now I have to get out again.

"Lucia~" I herd. my eyes fluttered open. I sat up. wait-where am I? this isn't the prison cell. A cat hopped up into my lap and purred. I smiled. I petted the cat as it laid down in front of me. Wait! I have to get out of here! I pulled the blankets off and jumped out of the bed I was in. I looked to my left and saw a mirror showing a girl with black messy hair, and pajamas on. wait- I stick out my tongue, and the girl in the mirror did the same. I need to find a bathroom! I looked all around the room, and found one. I ran in it, and brushed my hair. Hey, I am still a girl. I put the brush down satisfied, and then saw a dress neatly folded on the bathroom counter. I looked at my pajamas.

"Well....I do need to change." with that I changed into a icy blue dress.

"Looks good on you." I herd again. it was the same person who woke me up.

"Who is it? show your self! why am I here?" I yelled. the cat I was petting earlier walked in, and sat down in front of me. And in an instant the cat changed form to a human boy my age, with those red eyes. Yup, the red eyes that brought me back here. I gave him a disgusted look.

"what? I am a cat ok?" he said smirking. I still looked at him disgusted. I petted him. he sighed, and two cat ears popped out of his head.

"See?" he said, leaning his head down, so that I could see them. my face turned a little red for an unknown reason. his ears are cute. I reached out to touch them, and when I did he started to purr.

What am I doing?

I pinched his ear, and he pulled away and hissed at me.

"Jeez! what was that for?" he said rubbing his ear.

"Can you please show me the way out of here?!" I yelled at him. He stopped, and he got serious all of the sudden. his pupils got thinner, which scared me. next thing I knew he hit a pressure point on me, and knocked me out.


Why is it that I have been knocked out multiple times? I seriously need to stay awake.

I opened my eyes, ready for what was coming at me next, but it was really bright. it took some time for me to adjust to the light. once I could see, I saw that I was in a room with white walls and floor. Ok now that I can see I just have to ge-

I can't move my hands. I looked down at my hands, and found myself handcuffed to the chair I was currently sitting in.

"Let me out of here!" I yelled. I kept trying to get the handcuffs off, but they didn't budge.

"Someone let me out!" I yelled again. No one answered. I looked back at the hand cuffs, and saw that annoying cat that woke me up this morning. i smiled.

"Let me out of these handcuffs please." I said nicely. the cat jumped up in my lap, and sat down. my eye started to twitch.

This cat is getting on my nerve.

"What do you want from me?" I asked. the cat just sat there staring at me with big eyes.

"I'm not going to pet you." I said glaring at the cat. The cats face, once again turned serious.

"You are not allowed to leave, until you meet father." the cat said jumping down from my lap. I gasped.

"Why does your father want to see me?!" I yelled at the cat. The cat turned its head and smiled.

"You'll see." he walked off after saying that.

That kind of scared me.


I focused on my handcuffs, trying to get them off, when a old man walked in. I knew he walked in because, it started to get warm in the room. I looked up from my handcuffs, and a table was I front of me.

What? how did this get here? I looked at the man surprised, but i immediately got scared.

The old man had a long gray beard and ponytail that went all the way down to his shoulders, red eyes, and a red suit on. He had this smirk on his face as he walked in, like he was expecting something interesting from me.

"Well princess, how do you like the dress?" he asked smiling.

"Yes I do it's very nice." I said glaring at him. I got to keep my guard up. I don't know what he is capable of. he sat down at the other end of the table and clapped his hands. On cue, a whole bunch of chefs holding trays with food on them, came out and placed the trays on the table. one chef placed a tray with cooked chicken that looked very delicious, in front of me. I looked back up at the old man who had a devilish smile.

"Children, please do come in."he said looking at the doorway.

No Way. Carolina walked in with a red dress on, then came that annoying cat, and-,no,no,no,no! Daniel walked in also, and in place of his white strip in his hair was a red one.

"Daniel?" I said in a high pitched voice. he looked up and smiled.

"W-why?" I asked.

"Because, I am my fathers son." he said smiling.

"But that doesn't mean-" I stopped because Daniel glared at me. I am scared now.

Why is this happening to me?


How is it?




~Katie =^^=

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