Chapter 1

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When I woke up everything was nearly black. I couldn't see where I was and there was no light anywhere. I could hear voices. It's sounded like a woman. I knew it was a voice that I didn't recognize. The room I woke up in was very cold. It was almost like I was in some type of metal containment unit of some kind. Still laying on my back I began to feel my way along the floors. Everything was cold. Almost like ice. This is the worst time to kidnap somebody. In the middle of winter? Seriously? You couldn't have done this shit like in May when it's nice and I can at least tolerate the chill? Asshole! Whoever you are you deserve a good old fashion ass kicking! Wait until my dad finds out about this shit. You won't like Prince Nelson when he's pissed. He plays NO games. I sat up but the a pain on the back of my head made me slow down because whatever chump did this knocked me out cold and then did it with a witness. Poor Tre. I hope he's alright. Hopefully he got away. As I rubbed the back of my head the fact that I wasn't tied up and gagged was pleasing to me. I tried again to stand so I stood up slowly minding that I was locked in some type of metal storage unit. The faint voice of a woman was now being accompanied by a man. THAT was a voice that I recognize. That's the voice of the man who called himself 'showing how much he loved me'. Now I'm in full panic mode. I need to find a god damn way out of here before this gets worse than what it is. Without making a whole lot of noise moving around so I could listen to the voices and see what I could pull from the muffled voices. This would have been a great for my dad to give me a cell phone. Gee dad you may be a musical genius but dude you need to step your dad game up! Teens don't just go asking for phones all willy nilly! We like life too! As I was mentally telling my father off about not having a cell phone the voices got closer and a light turned on.


I whispered quickly covering my mouth and backing away from the door that was just revealed to me. The woman's voice came rushing up to the thing they were holding me captive in and unlocked the doors then swinging them open with force. The bright lights blinded me so bad that when I tried to back away I tripped over something and fell over backwards while shielding my face. I felt hands grab me by the legs and pull me out of the box.

  "NO! LET ME GO! PLEASE!" I shouted as I was being pulled.

  "Carlyn! Calm down! It's me! It's mama baby! Relax!" I heard the woman saunas she held my face.

  "I wanna go home! Please let me go!" I begged.

  "Carlyn you are home!" She said.

I opened my eyes and looked around to find that this wasn't home at all. It was a small apartment with very little furniture. It looked like her and this dude were squatting here because they were homeless. I guess she noticed that I was looking at the ransacked place and quickly came to its defense.

  "Oh! Don't worry about the mess. We're moving away! We're going to Orlando! Dwayne got us a new house and we can start a new life Just the three of us!"

Dwayne. That name sounds really familiar. I couldn't place a face with the name until he walked in. Now I'm really scared.

  "Hey there! Remember me?" He asked with a dark smile on his face.

His eyes were filled with nothing but pure evil and hatred. He was my nightmare come true.

  "You remember ya daddy don't you?" The woman said.

  "He's not my daddy." I whispered as I cried in fear.

  "Watch ya tone girl!" She snapped as he took a sip of his 40.

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