Chapter 10

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When I woke up the next morning I found myself in my room and not in the living room on the floor. The moment of truth had officially taken over.

"She beat me! I lost! I hate orange!" I said as I slammed my face back into my pillow in defeat.

I didn't mind in a way. I really like Regan. Her and my dad would make an awesome couple. She seems like the mom type and she doesn't have the permanent scowl on her face like my dad's second ex wife. After admitting my loss to myself I got out of bed and shuffled my way to the bathroom and did my girl business. I think I spend maybe less than a minute in the bathroom when there was a knock on my door.

"Yo! I'm on the crapper!" I shouted from my bathroom.

"That's gross Carly!" I heard Joey yell from my bedroom door.

"Well I'm not gonna hold my badder! Ya want me to die?"

"NOOOOO!" I heard Joey giggle.

"Ok then! Don't rush a girl when she has to pee!"

Joey was laughing so hard I almost felt like he was gonna per on himself!

"Your funny Carly!" He said still in his fit of laughter.

I flushed and washed my hands then met him by my door.

"What's up little dude?" I asked patting his bedhead.

"Dad said breakfast is ready."

I was confused that he said dad was even awake. Double checking the clock I noticed it was only 8:27AM.

"What's he doing up this early?" I asked Joey confused as he walked to the door to leave.

"Dad and Regan made breakfast this morning. Chocolate chip pancakes with powdered sugar and syrup! Mmmmmm!"

My eyes popped wide open almost instantly.

"What what did you say?" I asked him.

"Chocolate chip pancakes?"

"No before that."

"Dad and Regan made breakfast?"

The smile on my face was so huge that if my smiled any harder my brother could probably see my wisdom teeth.

"Are you ok?" Joey questioned.

"Yeah! You go ahead I'll be right down!"

I led Joey out and before the door hit the threshold I was overly ecstatic.

"She stayed the night!" I said to myself.

I screamed like a school girl and jumped on my bed several times letting my cartoon excitement take me over. This was the first step in rekindling their relationship. Maybe he just might take my advice and marry her after all! I leaped from my bed and to my door flinging it open happily. I was running so fast down the hallway it didn't even feel like I was running at all. I felt like I was flying! Oh I couldn't wait to get to breakfast! Once I got downstairs I was greeted by the receptionist and my uncle Andre.

"Good morning little lady!" I heard uncle Dre say once I reached the bottom.

"Hey uncle Dre! What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see your old man and you guys. I have some late gifts for you. Where's Joe boogie?"

"He's in the kitchen having breakfast with my dad and my dad's old flame."

"Aw hell Mayte's here!" He said throwing up his arms.

"No his other old flame."


Growing Up Nelson: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now