Chapter 27

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After I was tied to this stupid I was left alone in this hideous room with ugly walls and icky carpet that look like hobos have spent their hours shooting up and skeeting to old pinups of playboys from the 1980's. It almost makes me sick just looking at the floor so I just closed my eyes and imagined that I was back at home where every room you walked into smelled of lavender and vanilla. The doves would coo softly in the distance as you could hear the door buzzer on occasion letting in visitors and sometimes if you listened close enough you could hear my dad somewhere giving direction to staffers or playing his piano above my room. The deeper I traveled into my mind there he was. My dad. He was dressed in a white suit with matching fedora with a purple pocket square for an accent of color. The overwhelming smell of a lavender scent filled my nose and my heart with joy.

  "Hey dad!" I said to him.

  "Carlyn. Why would you leave me? Did I do something wrong?" He asked with sad eyes.

  "No! Daddy of course not! I was just mad! I.....I wanted to help that's all!"

  "And I just wanted to protect you."

  "I know! And I'm sorry! I promise if you come and get me I'll.....I'll be good! I'll never run away ever again! I wanna come home! Please come take me home! Please?" I said nearly sobbing immensely.

  "Don't cry beautiful one. You don't need me to save you. You can save yourself."

My face was never so blank and so confused. I tilted my head slightly and cocked an eyebrow.

  "Say what now?" I questioned.

  "Carlyn you have the heart of a king and the strength of any man."

  "Or woman dad. I have the female anatomy." I joked.

He shook his head with a smile and corrected himself.

  "Ok. Any....woman that I've ever known. You can outsmart these jokers. And if I didn't know any better I'd say you forgotten that you have one special trait that was given to you."

  "Yeah? What?"

  "The love of a Nelson."

Thats when an idea struck me like a Mack truck doing a hundred on the interstate. As I watched my dad's smile get bigger so did mine and the moment I opened my eyes he was gone and Dwayne was standing in front of me guzzling down a 40oz. Ugh he reeks of weed and cigarettes. Alright dude what do you want want?

  "Rise and shine baby girl." He said in a rough tone before taking another swig of old english.

  "Ya know it's not polite to drink things like that around a child." I huffed at him.

  "Oh so you a child now huh? You would think with a mouth like that you'd call yourself a woman. After all....."

He paused a moment to take another gulp of his disgusting malt liquor and then went back to finishing his drunk and high statement.

  "You built just like ya mama." He growled.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed once again out of pre hatred for his statement.

  "I told you that crazy bitch AINT. MY. MAMA!" I shouted at him.

Dwayne took another gulp of his 40 and started laughing. It wasn't that kind of laugh that he heard me tell a joke. It was the kind of laugh where he was about to either say something smart or tell me something that didn't wanna hear.

  "Naaah. Im talkin bout ya real mama. Sexy Maya Rae. Mmm! Ya mama booooy! She was a think one. I'm talkin stallion thick too."

  "Stop it." I said lowly with anger but he kept proceeding to talk down about my dead birth mother as if she was a piece of trash on the street.

  "When I first met ya mama she was actin like she wasn't with it. Playin hard to get and shit. All I needed to do was.....convince her a lil. Throw a few dollars at her."

  "Shut up!" I said to him a little louder but he continued to ignore me.

  "Flash a lil bit of bling and shit. A nice car and drive my the crib. Cop a feel when she would walk by."


  "But she just kept teasing me with her body that I just couldn't help myself. And since she wasnt gonna give it to me willingly.....I took measures in my own hands."

My eyes widened as he leaned in closer to my face and the smell of malt liquor hit me in the face like a cloud of hot smoke.

  "Since I couldn't get to her......I went for the younger version on her. The Apple never falls far from the tree. And baby are just as ripe as ya mama was.....before I chased her off a cliff."

The anger that I tried to control was not out of It's cage and it spilled out of me like a pot of spaghetti that boiled over. I let out a loud yell and kicked him square in his balls making him fall backwards into a wall then drop to the floor holding his small manhood. I was surprised that I had that kind of strength in me and was so out of breath from the force I had to use since my hands were tied down that it threw me into a panic. It wasn't enough to make me freeze completely but just enough to watch him roll around on the floor a little. My instincts kicked in and I wiggled my wrists against the old chair until they snapped me free. I then untied myself from the chair and got up to run but Dwayne grabbed me by the ankle and pulled me down to the floor with him and climbed on top of me.

  "Little bitch!" He yelled at me as he ripped at my shirt then went for my belt.

I tried to fight him off but people who are inebriated tend to be much stronger than someone who's of sound mind and body. Dwayne finally got my pants off and I tried to run again but he dived back on top of me.

  "You shouldn't have done that. So since you wanna put up a fight I'm gonna teach you some respect that you can't fight yourself out of. You might even like it."

Soon as he went to undo his pants he was hit over the head with what sounded like a pipe or a skillet. I was never so scared in all my life. I couldn't see who saved me but at this point I didn't care. I pushed Annie unconscious Dwayne off of me and grabbed my pants and quickly pulled them on.

  "You ok kid?" A familiar voice asked me.

Once I was able to calm down I looked at the face of the person who just saved my life and my virtue. My smile was so big that it could light up the dark cold night. I took off running into her arms.

  "Regan!!!!! You found me!!!!"

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