Chapter 9

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After about 40 games of connect four, three dozen cookies and seven cups of hot chocolate it was time to call it a day. Joey was so stuffed that he was completely comatose on the living room floor. I was trying to hold on to my faith and humanity forcing myself to stay away and listen to more of Regan and my dad's childhood stories. After about a few more nod outs my dad was ready to send me to bed but I begged him not to send me.

"Carlyn you don't have to force yourself to stay awake. I'm not going anywhere." Regan giggled as she watched my heavy eyes pop open and then fall half way closed.

"I'm good! I'm not even tired! See I can stay awake for a few more minutes." I said holding back a yawn.

"Then prove it. Lay down without falling asleep right now." My dad demanded.

"You wanna put some money on this bet daddy?" I joked knowing that it was against his faith to gamble.

"You know better than that now mama." He said.

"Ok well then what about you Regan?"

"Ok you're on! If you fall asleep I get to paint your nails bright orange and yo can't take off the polish for a week." She said as she winked to my dad.

"Ew! That's a disgusting color no way I'm losing for that. If I don't fall asleep you have to marry my dad."

My dad's stunned expression was priceless.

"Carlyn! You can't do that!" He said.

"A bet's a bet daddy! Get with the times!" I giggled.

"Alright you're on! Skipper get your nail kit out." Regan laughed.

I can tell she was like me. Everything was some crazy competition and she liked to win and loathed to lose.

"Ready girlfriend?" Regan asked as she got down on the floor next to me just to make it an even playing field.

"Ready as I'll ever be!" I said.


We both laid down on the carpet and looked up at the ceiling.

"Tired yet?" I heard her ask.

"Nope!" I yawned.

"Come on you gotta be sleepy!"

"Nuh uh! You ca-can't......."

That was the last thing I heard myself say before I passed out.

Regan's POV

"Well that was easy!" I whispered to Prince as I looked over at a now sleeping Carlyn.

"That's because you cheated." Prince said with a grin on his face.

I like this older and more mature Prince. He's now the family man he had only dreamed of.

"We better not leave them here for too long. My mom would have a fit if she saw this poor kids on the floor like this."

"Yeah your mom hated it when we would fall asleep on the floor. What did she always say? We'd wake up with bad backs or something?" He asked.

"She said we'd have a crook in our spines and she'd beat our behinds." I giggled.

I missed my mom but nothing like this. Seeing my good friend again and this time with kids of his own makes me a little sad that I have to leave just to keep them safe. Especially Carlyn. It will break Prince's heart if anything happened to his daughter. I know for sure this is what her mom wants for her. Not to be kidnapped by her sister.

"You wanna help me get them to bed?" Prince asked as he stood to his feet from the couch.

"Sure. I'll get the little guy. You can take your mini me."

"My mini me?" He laughed.

"Oh yeah. For just a short period of time you really rubbed off on her."

"Yeah well unfortunately not musically. Although I hope she will carry on my legacy one day."

"Well if she doesn't then you still have Joey. He looked like he'd pick up one of your guitars and play it."

Prince picked Carly from the floor and smiled.

"He has. A few times. But that's good he's showing interest."

  "Well you would be the perfect teacher for the job."

Smiling at each other as we scooped up our designated child we carried them out of the living room and down the hall to their rooms. With all the extra rooms that I remember Prince having I'm glad he gave two of those extra rooms to the kids. I found Joey's room pretty easily since his door was covered in lizard and frog stickers. His room was decorated for the typical little boy. The only difference was that he had the iconic Purple Rain movie poster hung just above his bed. His shelves were filled with books and colorful rocks of all shapes and sizes. A tiny table with two chairs sat just off in a corner with what looked like toy lizards on it. The lamp next to his bed was a projector of outer space which covered his ceiling from one end of bed to the other. Pulling back his Buzz Lightyear comforter I laid him in his bed and covered him up. I'm sure Prince wouldn't mind him sleeping in his clothes for one night since I don't want to go through this little boys stuff. He looks like the type who would know if anything was out of place. I kissed his title forehead and tucked him in.

  "Merry Christmas little guy." I whispered in his ear before he turned over in a comfortable position.

  "Merry Christmas mom." He said back to me unknowingly.

Hearing him call me mom was a hard pill to swallow. It was a sweet gesture but the thought of knowing my possibilities of having children was very slim it nearly brought a tear to my eye. I quietly left his room and closed his door and tried my best to calm my emotions when Prince was just stepping out of Carly's room pulling her door closed behind him. He must have saw the look on my face and was immediately concerned.

  "Everything ok?" He asked me.

He already knew that I was a horrible liar and would call me on it if I didn't sound as close as convincing.

  "Oh yeah I'm fine." I said wiping a tear away.

  "You sure?"

  "Yeah! All good! Joey must be your biggest fan." I said to him.

  "What do you mean?"

  "The poster over his bed. You must be his hero."

A smile grew on his face as he went to take a peek in on his little boy.

  "He knew who I was before his sister did. Before his adoption he told me I was his Superman."

  "Awwwww! That's so sweet!"

Prince closed Joey's door and took my hand.

  "Yeah. I feel like Joey being here has given me something I've never felt before. He's not replacing Ahmir......Ahmir is his vessel and he's come back to me through him which......makes me love him even more."

  "Well it seems like Carlyn's well adjusted."

  "It took her a while to warm up to me but I think we'll be ok. She challenges me so I know what to look forward to when Joey gets to be her age."

  "Well they're really lucky to have you. You're father of the year sir!" I said as I fixed the collar to his jacket.

  "Thank you. You should stay here tonight. You know I have an extra room or two for you." He said with a smile.

  "I'd like that! It's been a while since I've spent a night in Paisley Park and since things are different it will be fun! I'll even make us breakfast in the morning!"

We both stood in the hall and laughed a little. Sharing that little moment between us had him pull me closer to him. I didn't know it at first but my heart rate was increasing like we were young again. Then it happened. For the first time in over 10 years he kissed me. Merry Christmas to me!

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