Chapter 24

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I watched as Regan disappeared into the cold winter night. The car that drove her in drove her out the gates of Paisley and off to her next task at hand. It felt like my feet were gliding me over to the front door and and gluing me thee until she came back to us. Warm tears fell from my eyes as I hoped that her car would suddenly make a u-turn and fly back through the front gates and she'd come back inside to stay with us and never have to leave again. I could wish on a million falling stars and that would be a wish that may not come true for a long time. I could hear Erin's voice coming up behind me as she touched my shoulders pulling me back into the real world.

"Come on Carly. Let's get you upstairs." She said softly pulling me away from the door.

The two of us walked towards the steps when I stopped in front of my dad angry. I was angry at him for not convincing Regan to stay. I was even more angry at him for letting some stupid fake article about me saying that I wanted to be with Melissa set him off knowing it wasn't true. I was never more angry at the man who took me in and made me his own like this before! Why? So many unanswered questions. So many angry and hurtful things were running through my head. Should I blame him? I don't know how to feel any other emotion but.......anger. As I looked at his face I can tell he felt bad but I didn't care. I was still so......angry! We just stood there at the bottom of the steps staring at one another. He was looking at me with guilt. I was looking at him with anger. He was trying to form his words but I didn't let him.


  "I don't care." I shot at him in a low voice.

  "Sweetheart I-"


  "What did you want me to do Carlyn lock her up and throw away the key? She's an adult I can't make her do anything that she doesn't want to do!"

  "It doesn't matter Daddy she's giving up her life for me! For you! For us! And you can't do something as simple as marry her!?!?! When when you realize that she loves you!?!?"

  "Carly calm down." Erin chimed in as she tried to give me some sort of comfort.

  "For what!?!?!? For some crazy bitch to make up so lie that he knows ain't true!?!?!? I can't believe you fell for that when you know she'll do anything to take me away from you! Stop being so damn blind. don't want me here anymore."

My dad lost almost all the color in his face just then. He wasn't sure if he heard me right or if he was losing his mind.

  "Carlyn that's not true. You know that's not true!" He said as he tried to hug me.

I pushed him hard away from me making him trip over his own feet and knocked him off balance.

  "Then why believe that lie and not me huh? Why would you think I wanna spend an ounce of time with Melissa!?!?? You know she can't be trusted! Regan is going out there to settle it but instead of being the bigger man and handling it yourself you're letting her leave!"

  "She made her choice!"

At this point there was no more arguing to be done. Daddy was to warped into his own foolish pride to even rethink everything that had just went down and now I'm making my own choice.

  "Yeah. She did. And now so am I."

I bolted up the steps and sure enough he came up running behind me as I was on my way to my room.

  "What are you up to Carlyn?" He shouted from behind me.

  "Why do you care!?!?!?"

  "Carlyn you are my child and you will respect me!"

Growing Up Nelson: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now