Chapter 28

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I was never so happy to be safe and sound in the arms of a familiar face. I was damn near crying like a baby because of the awesome feeling of calm.

  "I knew you wouldn't give up!" I said ecstatic as I hugged her around the waist.

  "Are you kidding me? I was on the trail from the moment they pulled off!" Regan said with a smile.

That kinda struck a cord with me because she was all alone and I never saw her make a call to anyone when everything went down. How was it even possible for her to find me? Where was her car? There's no way in hell she was parked in front of the station that whole time. Was it? She could tell from the look on my face that I was trying to figure everything out.

  "I was wearing a wire kid." She giggled.

  "Oh! Well that makes sense." I said to her before hugging her again.

It was a joyous moment but after a few seconds it was just that. A moment. The sound of the safety clicking took the joy out of our moment. I let Regan go and was face to face...or should I say.....face to gun to face with psycho Susie. Who is psycho Susie you ask? Well enter stage left Melissa Hughes and her delusional fantasy of being my birth mother. Let's give her a round of applause! HA! SIKE! I wouldn't give that bald headed bitch a cold! Regan didn't waste a second to push me behind her back for protection in the event this crazy cow with a sew in pixie cut tried something funny.

  "You are not taking my child away from me!" She shouted at Regan as she kept the gun raised and her finger on the trigger.

Regan shook her head and slowly raised her hands in the air.

  "Melissa listen to me. You don't want to do this. You're a smart woman and I want to help you. You've been put into a bad situation because Dwayne gave you a bad plan that he thought would get you your sister's little girl back to you."

  "NO! Not my sister! Mine! My! Child!" She screamed.

  "Melissa. Your sister Maya trusted you. She died believing that you didn't take her baby girl away from her. I bet she came to you about Dwayne didn't she?"

Melissa's anger changed to confusion as Regan began to bring up the grim details about the man she was screwing.

  "Dwayne is not who you think he is. He raped your sister."

  "No." She whispered to herself.

  "Sweetie yes he did. He raped her and she tried to come to you about it. But Dwayne wouldn't let her."

  "You're a liar. He wouldn't.....she could have-"

  "I can't lie about something he admitted to Melissa. He raped her and when she tried to come to you he chased her to her death. Maya needed her sister. She needed you and you weren't there for her. But Maya was always there for you even when you had your miscarriage. She was there for you."

Melissa's face was streaming with tears and she started to slowly lower the gun at her side.

  "My sister told me that she would give me a baby. We had planned everything. But then she got pregnant with her own! She got selfish! And she snatched my dreams of ever being a mother away from me! So I took my chance and snatched her dream away from her! I inflicted the same pain on her the same way she did me! Am I proud of it? No. Carlyn is my child! I deserved to have her! Not my sister!"

I couldn't stop crying behind Regan as she talked about what she did to my mom and what had transpired after my abduction. It was hard to hear all of that and know that Dwayne raping my mom actually happened. What's even more troublesome was that he was about to do the same me.

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