Bonus Chapter: My Purple Valentine

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After cleaning the whole house from top to bottom all January and the beginning of February long my dad was finally gracious enough to let me off the hook for a change. Thank god! The smell of pine sol and fabuloso was wearing on my brain cells. It was nice of him to let me get my life back. The question is why? When he had came to me with his "Wild" idea he had this weird look on his face. I can never place why he does what he does but he's my dad what can I expect. However I wasn't going to dare question it. I had to let Tre know that my dad took my phone and it was going to be a week before eternity before I got it back and he was cool with it. When I talked to him after school on Friday the conversation we had was just as weird as my dad's face when he ended my jail sentence. Before he walked to his bus he told me to close my eyes and hold out my hand. I did what he said and he placed what felt like a wooden figure in my hand. I opened my eyes and just like I thought it was a wooden figure of a girl holding a small box in her hand.

"Awwww! What's this for?" I asked him with a big smile on my face.

"Can't tell you until it's time." Tre replied.

He kissed me on my cheek and ran off to his bus. Just as he took his seat my dad pulled up in his all black BMW and met me at the pick up like he always does. With my little wooden gift and Atomic Marshmallow treat in hand I ran over to the car getting inside quickly and strapping myself in.

"What's with you kid?" Daddy asked as I unwrapped my snack.

"Hello to you too Mr grumpy. Tre gave me a little present that I can sit on my nigh stand. Ain't it cute?"

I showed him the figurine before he pulled away from the curb and he drew his lips into a shy grin.

"Well that was nice of him. Are you gonna at least give it some color though?" He asked.

I didn't even think to ask him before he left if he wanted me to paint it or not.

"Ya know what? I asked him why he gave it to me and all he said was that he couldn't tell me until it's time. I don't even know what that means." I asked with a little laugh.


"Hmm? What does that mean?" I asked him.

"Nothing! Just....hmm!"


"What?!?! It means nothing I promise."

I threw my dad his own shady side eye as he was being awfully strange with his words.

"Ok! I got your number sir." I said before stuffing my cookie in my mouth.

"Not if you don't have your phone." He said softly as he kept his eyes on the road.

I looked at my dad with squinted eyes and shook my head with a smirk. This guys really got jokes! After the six minute ride we arrived at home and I got out of the car and darted to the door. I could hear my dad from the car telling me to slow down but by the time the door buzzed to let me in it didn't matter too much. Racing to the living suite and down to my room I tossed my book bag to the floor and place the figure right next to my bed. Soon after I kicked off my shoes and looking at the calendar my heart stopped.

"Oh no! Tomorrow is Valentine's Day!" I shrieked.

Tre must have given me the figure as my gift since we weren't going to see each other this weekend. I ran to my door and just as I swung it open my dad was standing on the other side with his hands behind my back.

"Dude! I'm really gonna need you not to pop up on my like a purple jack in a box!" I said startled to see him.

"A purple jack in a box eh? I know what to get you for your birthday this year." He joked.

"Pass dad. What are you doing up here? I thought you had a meeting with Tony?"

"I do but I wanted to talk to you about something first."

"Look if this is about the jelly spot on the living room carpet that wasn't me that was Tony."

"No it's- wait. What jelly spot in the living room carpet?" He asked me crossing his arms and raising his left eyebrow.

I had to quickly recant my statement before he blew a head gasket.

"I didn't see a jelly spot in the carpet I was just kidding! Anyway what were we talking about?" I said with a nervous giggle.

"Mmhmm. Anyway! I wanted to talk to you about your punishment."

My faced bunched up as if I had just ate a bowl full of sour patch kids.

"Awww dad please don't make me suffer anymore! I already go to school smelling like the janitor! I learned my lesson! Honest!"

"I know! That's why I'm letting you go!"

I couldn't believe my 16 year old ears. Did he really just end my life sentence? Am I really a free man? Well....woman....or young get my drift. I'm actually off the hook! He reached in his jacket pocket and pulled out my now dead and dying to be charged cell phone. I gave a loud girly teenaged yelp and hugged him tightly!


"Yeah I know you're old man is cool. Go enjoy your weekend. Just be on your best behavior if you know what I mean." He said with a sharp slender finger pointing at me and an eyebrow raised before he left my door.

"My best behavior?" I asked myself puzzled.

Here we go with those riddles again. I went to my nightstand and put my phone on the charger and just to pass the time I turned on my stereo and read a book until I unknowingly fell asleep. By the time I woke up it was 3:49AM. Valentine's Day. I was disappointed that I wasn't able to go and get Tre a gift. I changed out of my clothes and into some clean pajamas and curled back into bed and drifted back to sleep. When I woke up again the next morning I got out of bed and made my way to my bathroom when I was suddenly distracted by the loud thud outside my bedroom door. I didn't pay it much mind at first so like any normal person would I went to pee and wash my hands and get cleaned up. I was just about to exfoliate my face when I heard another loud thud. Now I want to be nosy.

"I wish this two would get a room.....unless it's Joey kicking at my door again. Then I'll have to hurt him." I huffed thinking that Regan and my dad were possibly in the hall getting it on.....ugh.

I turned the know and opened the door to find two big purple boxes with white hears all over sitting in front of my door. The tags had my name on them with a message that read open first then come down stairs. I struggled my shoulder and opened the boxes. The first one was full of brand new clothes! The second one was a small wooden house and more figures! With a smile on my face I ran downstairs and when I got to the lobby I was met with my dad and Tre holding bouquets of huge purple balloons and white teddy bears bigger than me. Joey stepped out from between them holding a huge handmade card and in his tiny little voice he shouted from behind the card.


My eyes welled with tears of joy. What made them want to do this for me?"

"Carlyn! You earned it! I love you my beautiful one." Daddy said with a big smile on his face.

"Wow! This is......this is awesome! Thank you! But.....why?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"Because you're special to all of us and we love you!" Tre said.

My dad took the balloons and set them off to the side on their weights and he put his arms out to me. I ran into his arms giving him the tightest hug that I could.

"Tre and I have been planning this for the last two weeks and he wanted to take you out for dinner and a movie. Go have fun tonight." He said and planted a kiss on my forehead.

When I let go I gave Tre a big hug and thanked him. Then I ran upstairs to change and get ready for the day until it was time to go out for my first full night of freedom. This was a Valentine's Day that will go down in purple history.

The End
Happy Valentine's Day from one Purple Heart to another💜

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