Chapter 14

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After reminding myself that I needed to breath to stay alive I began to come up with and improv plan to break out of the bathroom and get help. Melissa took a step towards me and out of reaction I threw my hands out in front of me.

  "Carlyn baby-" was all I was gonna let her say before cutting her off.

  "I am not your baby. And you are not my mama." I said to her trying to keep calm so I can stick to this randomly thrown together plan.

The smile that once covered her face from ear to ear was now a frown. Her eyes looked glazed and dark like she was mad. She better get over it because I know who my mother is and it ain't this crazy bitch. Hell nah!

  "Now you listen to me. I am your mother and you will come with me and Dwayne away from here. Don't you wanna come home with me? With your mama?"

"Stop saying that! You're not my mom!"

"Carlyn!" She yelled out in frustration as I slowly began to back further away.

"You are my child. You're MINE! Nothing or no one will take you away from me ever again."

My fear soon turned in to confusion as I looked her with squinted eyes.

"Ummmm......I'm sorry.......but didn't you dump a playground.....when I was five? That must really make you parent of the year!" I said.

Her face turned sour as I smirked at the thought of her calling herself a mother after what she did to me when I was just a baby.

"Things were different then. I did what I thought was right when Dwayne was attracted to you more than me."

" five?"

"He's still my man and he's promised to not do what he did again because I missed you so much and he would do anything for me to be happy. Don't you want your mama to be happy Carlyn?"

Since she keeps pulling this mom card I might as well use it to my advantage if I want to get out of this bathroom in one piece. I put on the best sad face I could give and gave her my sweet 'but daddy I really wanna' voice. I took my pinky nail and jabbed it in the back of my leg to get a few tears out to make this thing look legit.

"Ok! Alright! I'll come with you......mama."

God it sounds like I'm committing murder calling her that. I almost wanted to throw up and die right here on this disgusting bathroom floor. Melissa began to smile and get all excited since I called her 'mama' and took another step.

"Oh baby-"

"For now lets just......keep our distance until we get outta here huh? I don't think you don't want.....anybody trying to take me from you. That is what you want after all right? You want me to come home with you? Be a family?"

Lay it on her Carly. Make it believable baby! This was the easy part. I learn how to convince my dad into letting me sleep in the living room a few nights ago and now I'm putting my smoozing to good use. Melissa couldn't keep herself from bathing in her happiness. Too bad it's all about to be cut short. I had to continue to be light on my feet with this plan and still had to execute it flawlessly. What I couldn't figure out was how was I gonna from this stupid wall to that door! Without making it obvious I looked around the bathroom to find my best and only usable option. So far the only thing I could come up with was the soap dispenser. SHIT! I need more than that! This might not work after all. At this point I'm begging to God for some type of Hail Mary but it doesn't look like I'm gonna get one right now.

  "So you believe me now that I'm your mama?" Melissa asked me just seconds away from turning into a weak and annoying puddle of tears.

  "Yeah! Yeah I believe you!" I said trying my best to keep my sarcasm at bay until I could figure out my next move.

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