Chapter 13

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The rink was shut down just for the Nelson crew. Leave it to my dad to have the place cleared out just for him on short notice as well as catered by his own kitchen staff with sweets and vegetarian dishes. When he does things like this he goes BIG. On the way to the rink he managed to have Lauren call all his friends, past and current band mates, and a few fans from the area to this little party. Talk about a party animal! This was definitely gonna be a awesome day! Me and Joey couldn't wait to get into our skates and race each other around the rink and then stuff our faces just to go back out and skate it all off. When we pulled up me and Joey looked out the window and were amazed to find that there was a huge banner with my dad's symbol draping the building.

  "Talk about a warm welcome! Daddy you truly are loved!" I said as looked back at him.

He looked at me and smiled as he put his fedora on.

  "When you love your hometown they tend to love you back."

Regan gave my dad a nudge in the arm and threw him a little bit of side eye.

  "Come on Prince stop acting like your not excited! This is amazing!" She said.

  "I'm not acting. I'm excited I just......know how to contain it that's all."

Now I see where Regan got her terrible lying from. Dad. Tre and I held hands the whole ride to the rink and we were unintentionally holding on for dear life thinking that someone would say something but we were way too happy about going to have a little fun. Once the car came to a stop Joey broke out of his seatbelt and climbed over daddy like he was apart of the seat.

  "Come on Carly!" He shouted and he jumped out of the car.

  "Hold on son! You forgot......"

My dad picked Joey's skates up from the floor of the car and held them in his lap as he shook his head.

  "My little guy would forget his head if it wasn't attached." He said clutching the little blue skates.

  "He's excited Prince. Let him enjoy himself!" Regan said rubbing on his shoulder.

She can't seem to keep her hands off my dad. One of these days those two will wind up naked somewhere and won't even remember where they are because it's gonna happen while I'm home. Try explaining that to your 16 year old daughter and you 7 year old son. Ugh. My dad got out when Tony opened his door and walked up to the building to find Joey and help him put on his skates. Regan followed behind him and then Tre and I were the last to leave.

  "This should be fun! We'll actually be on a real date this time." Tre said ecstatic.

  "Wellll......technically it's a supervised date. It's not like we're totally alone when your dad and your family is around."

  "True. But it's still a date no less. And we're spending time together. Soooooo......." Tre said as he shook me by the shoulders and leaned in closer to me making me giggle.

  "Ok ok! It's still a date God don't be weird!" I laughed.

  "And since we have a little privacy....I've been meaning to give you something." He whispered.

  "Yeah? What?"

The softness of his lips met mine as we stood just feet away from the rink. I wasn't expecting him to kiss me. Then again we haven't kissed in a long time. Why does he send me to the moon and back again without warning? I swear I'm in love! We broke the kiss slowly and he tugged at my ponytail.

  "How was that?" Tre asked.

  "Like trying on a new pair of shoes. Perfect in every way." I swooned in his arms.

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