Chapter 23

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For the rest of the day Erin and I decided to avoid my dad like an unwanted teenage pregnancy and hide out in the soundstage to work on this plan to get Regan and my dad back together and this time make it a more permanent arrangement. Erin had been in contact with her cousin on her cell phone most of the day passing on dinner plans and making reservations as well as ordering flowers, exotic chocolates, and other bedroom necessities for them to ignite that love spark. It was going according to plan and it was almost like nothing could go wrong except for one small thing. The double doors to the soundstage flew open and like a bat out of hell my dad came in the room and had begun asking questions. Questions that had nothing to do with me and Erin's plans.

  "Daddy what are you doing in here?" I asked him scared and confused.

  "Why were you in my office? Did you know?" He asked me furiously.

I had no idea what he was talking about and I was too afraid to ask.

  "Uhhhhh.......daddy? Why are you yelling and what are you talking about?" I asked calmly.

  "I'm talking about this!"

He handed me a piece of paper that looked as if he had just printed it from the laptop. The article read that my adoption was being overturned and as of February I will be turned over to my mother and stepfather immediately after a court hearing. The anger and seeped through my body was never more real. Erin looked over my shoulder and let out a loud gasp as she read the article.

  "Explain this Carlyn!" My dad demanded.

  "Daddy......I don't know anything about this! I swear!" I pleaded.

Regan came running in at last and I was never more happy to see her than I was right then.

  "Miss Regan you have to help me! What is going on? She went and overturned my adoption?" I said as I damn near threw the crumpled paper in my hands to her.

Regan took then paper and read it over carefully. Her color began to drain from her face the more she read.

  "She can't do that she has no legal ties to you!" Regan snapped as she kept reading.

  "So what happens now?" Erin asked worried and just as confused as the rest of the room.

  "Don't worry Carly. I'll have this figured out. Prince you need to lock this place down and double up on your guys if you know what's best her."

  "Regan she wants to take my kid!"

  "I know that but Skipper you have to promise me that you won't go all Geronimo on me before I find out what's really going on. Apparently she has some type of statement that had to have been false from Carly saying that she was unhappy with you? Judging by the look on that girl's face there's nothing unhappy about it."

  "Well why would she do that?" I asked.

  "Probably because of the fact that she got caught trying to kidnap you out of a public place the other day and swore she was gonna get away with it. Melissa is just as crazy and so is her boyfriend."

Regan headed back toward the door quickly and was leaving out when I ran behind her following her out.

  "Wait! Where are you going?"

  "Carlyn you need to stay here."

  "But I wanna help!"

  "No! This is not a game now stay put!" Regan yelled.

I crossed my arms and glared at her angrily.

  "I'm going!"

  "Don't make me have Tony lock you up in a utility closet and have Andre keep watch! Trust and believe that can be arranged."

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