He brings you down

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*you can listen to the song if you want*

Me and Dave are about to go out. To dinner to some fancy restaurant and I decided to wear one of my new dresses I had bought.

It was a black dress that shows my curves and black shoes with gold sparkles on then and gold earrings. I told Dave to get ready as I went into the bathroom to take a shower.

As I got out the room was sort of messy and Dave wasn't there. I rolled my eyes and just get dressed. I finally finished putting my dress on and done my hair just the way I wanted and I put on my jewelry.

"Y/n baby you done?!" Dave shouts

"Yeah I'm coming"

As I walked downstairs and I see Dave giving me a disgusted look (or the 'wtf are you wearing' face)

"What are you wearing y/n?" Dave asked me

I looked at him and grabbed my purse. "A dress Dave I'm wearing a dress"

He looks at me up and down and shakes his head no.

"Go change you don't look good in it. It looks horrible on you y/n" he says pointing at me.

I looked at him with a 'does it look like I give a fuhh face'

"Okay Dave first of all I didn't ask for your opinion" I said looking at him

"But it doesn't look good on you y/n" he says "and my opinions, you should care for it and ask for it okay?" He continues

I look at him and roll my eyes.

"Okay baby" I said walking to him "I don't care for your opinion unless I ask for it okay? And second of all the opinion I should care for is mine okay babe. If you say shit like that and Im thinking to myself that i look cute af then that means I look cute af okay?" I said looking at him dead in the eyes.

He looks at me shocked and smiles.

"That's why I love you baby girl." He says pulling me in close and he continues. "your confidence baby is just perfect"

He puts both hands on my cheek and pulls me in for a kiss.

"I love you so much baby girl and you look fabulous babe"

I smiled

"So this was a test" I asked and he nodded

"Yeah it was because it seemed you have so much confidence and I wanted you to be confident in front of me babe" he say as he holds both of my hands and I smiled

"Thanks babe i love you too"

He grabs the keys and we were off to our fancy dinner date.

Hey guys just a bit of advice!! THE ONLY OPINION YOU SHOULD BE CARING FOR IS YOUR OPINION NOT WHAT OTHERS SAY!!! If you think you look hella fine then you look hella fine don't let other people tell you something else!!! Remember if you don't love yourself how the hell you gonna love someone else (Rupaul)!!!

I love you guys and if you need a friend to talk to text me on here or Kik ---> Kik username is _preety_samoan_lover (and yes I know pretty is spelled wrong I was a dumb ess kid okay😂😂)

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