Chapter 2- The beginning

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On my 13th birthday my mum bought me my very first guitar. She knew that I wasn't giving up on my choice. I also took music lessons at school. I remember the first day; it changed everything.

I woke up that morning at 7 a.m sharp and awake with the pure feeling of excitement taking over all my sensations. After having a bowl of cereal I went to get ready. What was it going to be like? How was I going to learn? Were there others like me? All this built up a huge mountain of nervousness in my stomach; sickening and causing me to panic.  Fifi's fur rubbed against my legs as she told me it was time to go.  I wished I could have looked in the mirror like normal girls.  To see if I looked fine as they put it. Was I "pretty"? I would never know. Fifi guided me to the car and helped me get in.

It was a short ride and the humming of the car had stopped,  telling me it was time. I took out my earphones which I stuffed in my pocket. "Right,  have fun Cici, shall I walk you up?" mum asked.  "erm yeh sure, I dont even know where the classroom is." There was a sudden shift in emotion in the car. It was something I felt before. A motherly love. She really did love me and I gave her a hard time. It was a comforting and warm emotion,  that even without her touch, wrapped around me and soothed me. I think I managed a smile to her. I felt mums hand on my arm as she helped me out. We walked up a short flight of stairs and along a warm carpeted hallway turning left and right I sensed. Emotions were hitting me like a mount of rocks from each classroom.  Boredom, fear, carelessness,  and something quite frightfully dark. I hoped not to pass whatever that was again.  Mum opened the door of my classroom and talked to the teacher. "Well hello Cecilia, My name is Mrs Carter it's great to have you. I ensure you'll love it here." It was a raspy female voice, like melting caramel. I felt passion from this person, I could hear a rythm from her, a sweet rythm. her passion for music seemed greater than mine. I smiled in the direction of the voice and reached out to shake her hand. A warm grasp met mine and the rythm reflecting off of her was louder than ever. It was beautiful.  After saying our goodbyes to My mother this teacher lead me into the classroom. "She'll love it here Mrs Ebony, don't you worry the kids are great." The door closed and the feeling of uncertainty also dissappeared as mother left.

As I set foot in the classroom I sensed music everywhere, there was a flute playing beside me and someone was playin an upbeat to a set of drums. This was paradise. Above all happiness was swirling in the air everyone was breathing in and out. Mrs Carter asked me what I wanted to try and why I loved so music so much.  As I explained my passion she let out a laugh like the sound of ringing bells in harmony. "You sound just like me Cecilia" she laughed and rubbed my shoulder.  "Please, call me Cici" I replied. "Cici, pretty" she said. I smiled again as another voice approached."Who's this?" It was a boy's voice. He seemed nice, he liked to question I could tell because curiosity filled my mind. "This is a new member of our club. Cici,  meet Drake" Mrs Carter said as she lifted my hand to meet his. "Hi Cici, you s-s-e-eem co-ool, what you pl-pl-play?" he seemed to be tapping something like a rythm as he spoke. How weird.  "well I'm going to learn to play guitar" I said. "Oh c-c- cool, I pl-play guit-ar too!" he practically squealed and I returned with a laugh. Mrs Carter ushered him away slightly and told him about my condition I supposed as he seemed to be more curious than ever afterwards. She then came back to me and informed me of Drake's condition. He had a disability of a severe stammer. I had noticed. What a sweet guy he seemed though. I started with my lesson, Mrs Carter came up with a clever way for me to learn the notes. She told me to feel the notes in my heart. The amount of vibration that the string distributed would tell me if it was a high or low note. I practiced with her for around half an hour. I catched on pretty well she told me and she walked to another student. As I was playing around with the few notes I had learnt it all happened.  The door cracked opened. "Sorry I'm late miss, overslept." A male voice,  quite deep and lazy. "Fine, come in carry on with the work you were producing." What troubled deeply me was what happened next. A bright burning light stung my eyes causing me to cover my eyes as a harsh shiver took over my paralyzed body. The light was moving forwards. What the hell was happening?  This had never happened before. In that split second I felt utter fear. Was this an angel approaching? Or the devil? What was this force?  I uncovered my eyes and the sharp light was a little distance away from me. It had a soul.  A very vibrant and happy soul. Who was this boy? Why could I, a blind girl see this damn light?  I hadn't noticed I was shaking "y-you ok-k-k-ay?" Drake managed to ask. He seemed concerned.  I probably looked much worse.  Mrs Carter rushed over. "Cici,  you look pale you okay are your eyes hurting?" I noticed I was still shielding my eyes. "What's wronf?" it was the boy, he was asking from a safe distance.  Don't come near me! What have you done to me?! I screamed inside. "Harry this isn't the time" Mrs Carter replied.


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