Chapter 4- Harry

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I woke up next morning to the sound of mum calling "Cici its 8 a.m get ready in half an hour for the doctors appointment okay?" Ugh. I want to sleep. Although people always wonder if the blind can see in the dreams, I know I can. I don't know If the colours and everything is "correct" to the normal world but I see, and it's always peaceful. Like last night I dreamt of a river, peaceful and shimmering under this magnificant light. I headed to the kitchen for my usual bowl of cereal and then got dressed with the clothes mum set out for me as usual. That's something I don't like. Not being able to see if I look like a total idiot;  not being able to have a fashion sense, but that's that. Sometimes I wonder what "pretty" and "beautiful" looks like. I know for sure what it feels like. People with warm, kind and giving souls. That's what beautiful is to me. On the contrary ugly would be something with a dark, cruel and selfish soul or atmosphere,  and its sad to say but I feel this "ugly" alot more than "beautiful" when I'm outdoors.

As usual Fifi would tugg me along with her to the car and mum drove us to the Doctor's. This was a long drive and I was half way through the Beatles singing happily about the sun when we reached there. Inside I was welcomed with the receptionists voice. "Cecilia Ebony?" "yes here" my mother said. "Dr Seacroft will be waiting for you in room 128 straight your left. Mum opened the door to which I heard the dark soul of Dr Seacroft. I didn't know this man, but the feel I got from him was strong enough to know he wasn't a nice man. "Hello Cecilia haven't you grown? look at you!"  After my mother explained to him what had happened he wasn't convinced. However, knowing my mother she would have convinced him to carry out with an eye test. After what seemed like an eternity of Seacroft poking my eyes he sighed. "Everything seems to be the same here Mrs Ebony, there's no change.  It happens sometimes." Then subscribing me a couple of useless eye drops we travelled home.

Mum wasn't pleased to put it lightly but who expects much from doctors? Not me.

"so mum are you gonna drop me off at the music lessons today?"

"Cici do you really expect me to after what happened yesterday?"

"oh mum for gods sake stop. It just happened okay? It had nothing to do with the music lesson, were you not there when I got examined?  Nothings changed." I was losing it with mum nowadays. "Cici, I can't, not today at least" she was pleading me. "Mum.."

"Let her go Vanessa it won't do any harm." it was dad. Thank the lord 

"Mike.." mum knew she was losing.

"Fine. let's go Cici you ready? " she asked. "Yeh just let me get the guitar I'll be there in a minute." She walked out and I turned to dad. "Thanks dad."

"No problem sweet." giving him a smile I went to find my guitar and then to the car. 

After mum having dropped me off I opened the classroom door.

"Oh Cici glad you came!, You feelin' okay today hun?" the sweet voice of Mrs Carter made me smile naturally. "Yeh I'm fine, sorry I'm late just had a doctors appointment and everythings fine." I said.

"Oh that's good, shall we crack on?" she asked, and that's what we did. I played the notes to Mrs Carter and she seemed pleased, now I had to learn to play multiple notes in harmony.

As I was left to do this I couldn't help but look around for that light. How was I supposed to find this Harry? I didn't feel it so I carried on practicing. I was approached by a voice I now knew was drake. "Yo-yo-you d-d.." he sighed and tried again, and I smiled in reasurement to him. "y-you d-d-doin pretty g-o-od on th-th-th-a-a-at gui-ta-ta-r" bless him. "Aw thanks Drake, you could help me if you want?" I thought I'd spare him struggling to make conversation and so we played for a while. He was really good and I listened to him play peacefully. 

I felt disappointment.  I had hoped I'd experience the light again. Maybe it was a coincidence?  I would have asked Drake about this Harry but I thought I'd spare him the struggle.

As I tried to imagine the light again it suddenly happened. This time it was from the right side of me, it was approaching fast. It didn't burn anymore, it would take some getting used to though.

"Who's this?" that lazy deep voice had asked. "Th-th.." I didn't want Drake to get stressed so I finished his sentence.  "Cecilia, but please call me Cici. " I said. I felt nervous and the wimp I was, I wasn't looking directly at the light of Harry. It was still too strange. 

"Ah Cici. I think I saw you yesterday? "

"erm yeh, I was.." "yeh you seemed to be having some trouble,  you alright now though yeh?" "Yeh, thanks." I had to smile he seemed nice enough.  "oh sorry forgot, I'm Harry." he sounded so happy. "She..c-c-a-n-n-t s-ee" Drake stammered. Oh something must have happened. "Oh sorry..I didn't know." Harry apologised. "it's fine" I smiled to make it less awkward.  "So, what do you play Harry." I decided to be brave. "Oh I sing,  don't play much really. " "oh I see" I replied.  Well whats wrong with him then? He seemed pretty normal to me. "I'm mostly deaf." Harry seemed to have answered my thoughts. "Wear these weird ass hearing aids, pretty hard to be a deaf singer you see." He laughed and it was the most adorable thing,  loud and boyish,  bute cute. Me and Drake laughed along with him. "He's p-r-r-re-tt-y g-ood ya kn-ow" Drake said, obviously to me. "Ah ta Drake, I'm flattered." They both laughed.  "I must hear you sing one day then ey?" I asked playfully "Oh for sure, it will blow you away haha" He seemed really nice and I became brave enough to face the light directly.  This was weird. I seemed to be seing an outline, a figure, tall, much taller than me. How am I seeing him? That is what's happening right? God help me, give me a sign,  what is this?  Is this your intention?  I looked away again utterly confused and amazed. This still made no sense to me. "Alright,  see ya guys later Mrs Carter's giving me evils" Harry joked and away he went, with the light.

"I see you met Harry?" Mrs Carter asked amusedly as she aproached, the sound of her heels clicking gracefully came to a stop.

"Yeh he's great." I said

"He is quite the character" she laughed aloud.

This character could give me my sight I thought, I had to get to know him better.

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