Chapter 15

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Harry's P.O.V

I'd been playing at more and more parties, bigger parties which meant more cash for now. But I also really think this whole band thing could be working out for us, maybe in a few years time who knows? We could have our own gig and stuff.

For the past few weeks I'd been skipping the music classes, mum didn't know until Mrs Carter ring up on Friday so I'm going again. I don't know, things had gotten weird. A lot of weird. A lot of insanity and I just had to like, sort out a few facts in my head.

Cecilia Ebony was either a great, great liar or she was mad. It had to be that simple. I couldn't believe all that shit? I'd never heard of such a damn thing, but then again, I don't think she could have lied about being blind her whole entire life without getting noticed, so option two was most likely, she was plain crazy.

Maybe there was some truth in what she told me, but honestly a girl who's never had sight wouldn't know any better, she probably was going through some weird ass blind teenage girl faze. Hell, I don't know but it confused me.

So I kept my distance from her; don't get me wrong she's so great, like one of the best people I have ever met, ever and I became very fond of her but sometimes things get a little too much.

So she'd been coming to the classes but we basically lived in different universes, not at all acknowledging each other's presence in the slightest. So, I've not taken much notice of her, I don't walk into the room searching for her face as soon as I enter like I used to.

Vanessa's P.O.V

I couldn't help but look at the clock every 5 seconds waiting for her to come home. My head was hurting it was 8:30 pm and she never stayed this long. Now I started panicking, what if something had happened to her? How could I have agreed to let her go was I absolutely insane?! I had a lot of work to do but nothing was going to get done and I started biting my nails.

This was enough, before I knew it I was driving around searching for her. My eyes were filling with tears. What if I couldn't find her? My own child, I've been so careless what the hell is wrong with me?

Okay, I have to take a few deep breathes and think logically, where could she have gone? She likes going to the park, and Fifi was with her, she had to be safe.

Harry's P.O.V

The pounding of drums all of a sudden morphed into a loud thumping at a door. My door. My mum was literally banging on the door and shouting my name. What the fuck? My eyes opened with great pain and stinging as they got used to not being asleep. My half dazed state took a while to take in the surroundings. It looked like just the break of dawn outside, mum was attempting to knock my door down and I was in my bed. I rubbed my eyes and stiffly bent over to check my phone.

3:21 am. What was going on? A jolt of panic washed over me as I took in what was happening and jumped off my bed, stumbling over random shit and unlocking my door. Mum was standing there was a look of pure fear in her eyes, and she was in a right panicked state.

"Harry, it's Cici."

I don't what I expected her to say but not that. Another involuntary rush of panic came over me. Being me I jumped to the worst conclusion of what could have happened to her and suddenly felt a remorse of guilt. But when mum said she had gone missing, I was both confused and shocked. I felt guilt. I had been avoiding her and now she was lost on her own somewhere out there, vulnerable and alone. What if we never found her? What if she was lost forever? What if she thought I hated her? Somehow I felt I was at fault.

Half dressed I ran downstairs, pulling my coat on and opening the front door to be met with a harsh embrace of cold air, waking my still asleep senses. I hadn't planned of anything yet but what else could I do? Just before I stepped out I was stopped by Cici's mother stepping out of the living room.

The state she was in was unbelievable because I had never seen her like this. Her usual sleek up do was half open, loose strands falling over her face in a mess, her makeup less face looked tired, no, utterly exhausted; the dark circles under her swollen eyes were very prominent, a frown placed on her face as she rubbed her forehead in frustration, phone in hand. She was still wearing her now wrinkled work clothes and the look she gave me made me realise I had to find her, now.

"Harry..please" Vanessa stifled into sobs, "I'll find her" was all I could manage in a hoarse voice. I felt like it was one of those times when you didn't have enough time to take in what was going on, you just had to keep rushing forward, no time to think. Mum went over to comfort Vanessa as I stepped out into the cold winter morning.

Now all I had to think was where on earth could a 15 year old blind girl disappear to? Where could I start? As I looked around the ongoing path that I had once walked on with that girl something clicked.

Because then I realised knowing Cici, there was only one of the places she could have gone and the guilt inside of me was eating me alive, somehow I felt it was my fault, even though it couldn't have been, but it was still weighing me down.

As I began my clueless, half dressed search that morning, I hadn't know it would bring so many things into my life forever, one of those things being Cecilia.

Okay, I know this update is stupidly late, and I haven't been on and I'm sorry. But now that I'm basically free for the whole of the summer I will be doing regular updates. I know this chapter is a little short but things will begin to build up I promise.

This is my first time writing so it is difficult and I would love any comments or feedbacks and suggestions to what I could do to improve, it would help a lot.

Also please remember to vote if you read this, it would mean alot a lot, thank you for reading if you still do, lots of love :) -@harryshalo

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