Chapter 16

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A strange sharpness made its way through my senses and all of a sudden it felt like a needle was being jabbed into every inch of my body. I tried to open my eyes but couldn't, my body completely numb. Panic was all I could do, what the hell was wrong? I wanted to shout but my throat wouldn't allow me to, I couldn't even tell if I was moving or not. Trying to breathe was a tough task in itself. All J wanted was to be at home in my bed. Warm. I could, hear a ragged breathing next to my ear, and the harsh shudders next to my lower rib. Fifi. Oh no, what had happened? I remember now falling asleep at the park...I was at the park. holy shit I must have been here for a long time, I couldn't tell how long either. This was a living nightmare.

I forced myself to roll over to the side, wincing at the ice cold pain rattling through my bones causing me to take in a sharp intake of breath. It must have been -10 degrees out or something and no one could possibly find me, I tried wriggling my fingers and blowed into them, rubbing my hands together. It didn't make much difference. Tracing over my coat pocket I searched for my phone but I couldn't find it, where the hell was it? After a few minutes of trying to frantically feel around me I have up rolling next to Fifi and trying to keep us as warm as possible. All I could do was wait, but I couldn't stay awake much longer exhaustion was an understatement for what I was feeling.

All I saw was light, a bright magnificent light, bursting into a raging flame that was rapidly flying towards me. Was I dying? This wasn't what I had anticipated my death to be like, not in a damn local park next to my pet dog. This wasn't even worth pity. It was shameful. I thought about my parents, how heartbroken they must be when the police finally find my lifeless body. Oh god. The flame was all I could see and feel and taste. I wasn't ready.

"Cici" someone spoke through the flame, maybe an angel. I tried so hard to see something, Or say something but I couldn't. This wasn't right. "Cici!" The voice screamed and shattered my ears, stop screaming, it hurt but whoever it was wasn't listening, they kept screaming. I suddenly felt and unbearable pain run through my throat, a burning, they were touching me, it was like they were pumping flames through my mouth into my sore, deflated lungs. A high pitched scream rang through my ears and my throat hurt again, the scream had come from me. All of a sudden I was coming into this weird state of conscience "it burns!" I tried to scream, the puffs of fire entering my lungs over and over, this wasn't a dream it was real. My whole body was on fire and I couldn't even shed a tear. Why was this person causing me so much pain? What had I done to them? Was this my punishment? A surge of electricity powered through me as I felt a large pulse circulate around my body, finally to my brain and my eyes fluttered open, all of senses seemed to have come back in an instant and I felt a warmth over me. My eyes struggled to focus, the figure came into sight and my dry throat couldn't make a sound. He stood above me, so close that it all happened at once.

I finally saw every single feature on his face, each freckle on his neck, his lips, his wide eyes, his nose, his hair, the pores on his skin, little fine hairs on his jawline. All of it. I blinked and looked around, taking in my surroundings, huge streams of light burst out of him like fire, the sharpness of the light burned through my eyes but I saw trees, I saw sky, I saw light.

I saw.

My brain couldn't comprehend what the hell was happening.

"Harry" I croaked, "you're on fire!" I tried to shout, but he stood there in front of me, his brows lifted and joined at the top of his forehead, creased with deep lines unraveled in his face. Large hands and brawny fingers made their way towards my face, I could not yet move, maybe I had gone into shock. His warmth sent shudders through my body once, twice, and all at once he pressed himself against me, engulfing me into himself, moulding and adjusting himself so I was covered by him. I realised I was shaking so tremendously it was beyond painful, I was gonna pass out again. I managed to whisper, "Fifi" and look down to a large mammal on the floor next to my leg before I blacked out into the familiar darkness again.

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