Chapter 5- Cecilia

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Harry's P.O.V

I woke up to the screeching sound of my alarm. Ugh too early. After blindly lookin around for my phone on the bed I managed to turn it off and drift off back to sleep.

"Harry.." I was singing on stage with a million eyes on me "Harry, Harry, Harry" they were chanting my name. I never felt so alive. There were lights shining down on me, this is where I belonged; music drumming down my ears. Then, suddenly everything went pitch black. Where'd everyone go? The chanted slowed to a whisper, one voice, "Harry..Harry wake up." I felt a tugg at my shoulder and I was pulled out of my dream. It was mum. "Harry..." the rest was a mumble, i couldn't fuckin hear her. I looked around on the side desk for my ear aids, and stuck 'em in; turning the volume up. "I said you're late again, it's 10 o clock. shit. Why did the alarm not go off? I looked at my phone to see the time. 10:04 a.m. Ah shit. I rushed around my room, picking a jumper and a pair of black jeans off of my bedroom floor; giving them a quick sniff. Yeh they'd do. I was on my way down half dressed in record time, tugging my legs in the jeans. Fuck fuck fuck. I grabbed a piece of toast in the kitchen and shoved on my shoes, opening the door and pulling my gray jumper over my head. Man its freezing. Toast in mouth and my jeans undone, I ran to my bike. Mrs Carter was gonna kill me. I had promised I wouldn't be late again. Yet here I was. My legs ached as I pedalled faster and faster. No red lights please God. I turned quickly to the right and a car honked loadly. well fuck move out the way man.  I didn't really wanna get run over at this time. After about 2 minutes I reached the old crumbling  building. Locking in my bike I ran up the steps and inside. Running to the classroom I managed to button up my jeans as I reached the door. I came to a halt and took a deep breath. Opening the door slowly I peaked inside. I was met with the face of Mrs Carter about 10 yards away, glaring at me. "Sorry I'm late." I said. She sighed. "Fine, just carry on with what you were doing yesterday." She said as she turned back to little jack on the drums. I walked in and to my little corner of the brightly painted yellow and red room. "Hey Haz, cheers for showing up mate." Dan said sarcastically.  "Sorry man." I didn't know what else to say. We carried on with writing down lyrics to our very own song. So far so good. "How about this" I said to Dan. "ooooh I never felt so alive, the musics beating through me." I sang the first lines to a rocky melody. Dan played a note on the electric guitar to the melody. "Yeh that could work he said, jotting down the notes in his scrawny handwriting.

We carried on jotting notes and scribbling out lyrics to fit the melody when Mrs Carter dashed across the room. "Are you okay? you look pale" I heard her say in a shaky voice. What was going on. I turned to see a worried Drake and Mrs Carter bending over somebody. "What's going on?" I asked. I didn't wanna go over incase there was blood or some shit, I wasn't good with blood. "Now"s not the time Harry. " Mrs Carter said still panicking as she took out her mobile and rang somebody. Drake sat by whoever it was, his hand on their shoulder.

After 5 minutes a woman came rushing in, she seemed to be in her mid 30's; slim and average height long brown hair,  and pretty blue eyes she had wrinkles forming around them. Pretty non the less. She wore a black pencil skirt and a royal blue shirt with black tights and heels. She seemed to be one of those sophisticated business women. She rushed over Mrs Carter who then moved, probably telling her what happened,  she moved and I finally saw who the person was. It was a girl,  I couldn't see her properly but her wild blonde hair was shaking in disagreement.  The next thing I knew, the woman and the girl were out of the door. Everyone seemed to turn back to their work as the door closed. Well that was..strange.

After an hour or so the lesson was over and we had nearly completed our song,  Mrs Carter had heard most of it and was pleased, so when finished,  we would perform it to the whole class. One day maybe the world.

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