Chapter 8- The party

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After annotating Shakespeare' s Romeo and Juliet with far fetched meanings that Shakespeare probably didn't even mean, and practicing Sine and Cosine graphs until you understood it and then until it confused you again; I finally got home. 

I had a quick shower before going to have tea with mum and dad. Mum had ordered pizza that day because well she didn't wanna cook, and who would blame her? Work is pretty exhausting.  Especially around people. The pizza was good anyway.

I new I had to bring the party up and I was waiting for the perfect opportunity. "So how was your day Cees? New lessons?" mum asked with a mouthful of pepperoni pizza entering her mouth.

"Ugh mum, do you think I'd ever enjoy them? They're going fine otherwise." I said. Day 1 and I was already suicidal.  "We don't always like things that we need" She said.

"True" Dad added. "Like I need your mother but I don't like her." He joked and we all laughed.

"No but seriously guys, I wanted to ask you guys something"

"Sure, what is it?" Mum asked.

"Okay so there's a party tomorrow and I'm invited,  just before you freak out and tell me I'm not aloud I want to say it's only a few streets away and I want to be a normal kid mum, this is my chance." I was out of breath after that but I knew if I didn't give all the information mum wouldn't give me the chance to say anything. "Cici, you know party's aren't safe for you, you won't even know people there and you're only 15." Mum said. "Please mum just this once, don't you want me to be normal for once? Can I not go out and socialise with actual people?" I should have softened her up a bit before I had asked. "Cici, those kind of parties are pretty dodgey, is that where you want to start your sociability?" Dad asked. "Well yeh, I kinda do." there was only hoping now wasn't there?

"Cici we have warned you, and we don't think it's a good idea."

They hadn't exactly say no.

"So is that a yes?" I could feel dads uncertainty and mum had fear in her stomach, along with all the other over protectiveness. Just one party, it wouldn't be so bad.

Mum let out a sigh, "What time?"

"it starts at six thirty" Dad drummed his finger tips against the wooden table.

"You stay till ten" Dad said breaking the silence. "No longer."

ten was good, I probably wouldn't be able to do much either.

"Okay,  yeh that's fine thanks guys, I love you." I reached out and gave mum a hug and she gave me a small peck on the head, same with dad.

"I'll be coming tomorrow,  no need to drag me along :)"

I texted harry. Didn't really fancy him showing up at my doorstep.  Now that would give mum something to talk about.

I didn't even know how to dress, mum chose everything for me, and I couldn't really see what it was, or if it was suitable or "in". Oh life really had gotten the best of me. Okay. no need to freak out. Anyway what was there to worry. I didn't care about people. Did I?

Harry's P.O.V

I went over to Dan's place to practice for tomorrow.  We had been practicing and deciding which songs would be best to play. We'd be playing for the second hour of the party, as Chloe, the girl who's party it was, had told us to. "I think we should do the new one, 'Rock n Roll' and 'Disco fever'. Dan said changing guitar picks and adjusting the strings to his guitar. Dan's parents had a nice little place and they let us rehearse in the basement, it was quite spacious. "Really?  Yeh we'll be doing the new one but I think we should promote the others, like 'Paradise' and 'Dynamite'. We had played some songs alot, and people loved them but we needed to promote the other songs too.

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