Chapter 13

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The next music lesson I sat in my usual seat next to Drake. Who, may I add improved immensely on his speech skills due to him socialising. He talked about his weekend, he made this new friend named Rachel, and they'd been hanging out alot. He really liked her I could tell, but I hadn't met her yet, so from Drake's impression of her, she must be nice. I talked about my weekend with Harry leaving out a couple of details, say, about the whole him possibly ending the friendship due to my freakishness.

Me and Drake worked comparing notes, building tones, and writing some down. I had been toying around with a couple of notes over the past weeks that I liked, but it was hard keeping it going as a sequence; Harry helped me alot, but that was probably long gone now.

Right about now Harry would join us, make us laugh over his stupid jokes, and just give a wonderfully pleasant atmosphere, and yet again he isn't. He seems to be lingering around his friend Dan, a fair distance away and Drake seems to notice too. " over" He asked puzzedly.

"Guess not" I brushed off lightly, ignoring the disappointment and feeling of emptiness from within.

I felt so pathetic that music lesson. Since when did I start dependently relying on this boy I had only known a few months? I was never like this; making a friend didn't have to mean revolving your actions around them did it? I guess I got so wound up with Harry being my light that I had forgotten he had no responsibility over me. It was just all a merely an act of kindness. He wouldn't stick around forever to guide me everywhere.

Drake did keep me entertained though and that's what I loved about him. He didn't have to ask to know I was upset, he'd just know. Mrs Carter stopped by a while too, she seemed extremely fond of us, as I was of her yet she seemed pretty off recently, not as bubbly, feeling a little grey.

Back home I went straight to bed, upset yes, but I could make it through this, it wasn't even much of a deal. I felt stupid, sobbing over a boy when people out there had it much, much worse. Mum came to check on me but I wavered it off saying I felt a little sick, which was partially true, I did feel drowsy and light headed so I just drifted off to sleep with soothing, peaceful music in my ears, an elegant piano chiming through my eardrums to relax every single nerve.

That day I decided to become independent, no light, just me. I had to embrace the dark, embrace who and what I am. Blind.

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