Chapter 6-The performance

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Since I had a vague conversation with Harry yesterday I was sure to make friends with him. Hopefully this would have some positive effect on my sight. I didn't know if I was being selfish with what I was doing, but I wanted my sight and as Harry seemed to be the only one to have effect on it, I had to get to know him.

As I reached home mum threw up a load of questions in my face.

"What was it like?" "Where you okay today? " "Did anything happen again?" "Do you feel okay now?". I took a deep breath remembering she only cared for me to ask. "It was fine, yes, no and yes." I said answering her questions in a hurry and patting Fifi who had greated me at the door step, then walking to my room and locking it. I couldn't do much so I had a quick hot shower and then lay on my bed listening to audible books. I was currently listening to a book called Dark Angel by a Steven Prine. Half way through listening to the boy being attacked by vicious creatures there was a knock on my door.

"Cici, dinners ready come eat." Mum said and walked away. I was starving. I went over to the dining table where I could smell steak. oh gosh. My mouth was watering at the smell,  and I had completely destroyed my piece of steak in about 5 minutes.  After a second round I wiped up,  took the plate to the kitchen and said goodnight to mum and dad. When back in my room I clicked the audio button on the clock that told me it was 7:30 p.m. I thought I'd practice on my guitar which I seemed to do for a long time listening to an all time favourite Michael Jackson's Billie Jean and tried playing along with it. Yeh..that didn't work out. My fingers hurt and so I thought I'd give it a rest. Before I knew it I was drifting off to my unconscious.  That night I dreamt of a bright light and a tall figure, slowly guiding me through a dark tunnel.

The next day was doing the usual,having a bowl of frosted shreddies, getting dressed and fifi guiding me to mum waiting in the car. Dad had already left for work so I couldn't say bye to him. oh well.

I had been doing pretty well on the guitar by now, Mrs Carter said I was a fast learner. I had been practicing 'Imagine' by John Lennon, that song had something personal to me. I always sung to myself whilst playing it and this time I hadn't noticed Mrs Carter standing over me. "Wow Cici I didn't know you had such a beautiful voice!" She seemed surpised and I couldn't help the blood gushing through my cheeks and causing me to blush. No one had heard me sing before so this was strange. "Thanks." I replied quitely and as Mrs Carter didn't leave I guessed I had to carry on. just pretend she's not there Cici, sing your heart out. I told myself. She gave me a tight hug before walking over to another student. "You're a talented young lady Miss Cecilia Ebony."  I really did love Mrs Carter, she was such a warm and loveable person.

Drake came over as usual and we practiced together, he taught me some notes on Michael Jackson's Billie Jean, which I had failed at doing on my own, Drake was a good friend.  That day we talked,  it took a while but I soon realised as I you reasured Drake,  it made it easier for him to perform speech. I learnt that Drake had older two brothers and he lived in a single parent family with their father.  He didn't know his mother, and he was a teenage pregnancy. Overall he lacked alot of love in his life and I was sure to change that,  and he needed a friend he could lean on.

After an hour or so Mrs Carter called the whole class together. We all sat close together and the large mix of emotions was too much too handle and so I took a breath aside. "Okay guys I have an exciting surprise for you, some students are going to perform their own work for you guys and I want you all to support them okay?". There were murmurs rising to the surface some with excitement some with confusion. I was quite excited too,  this must be good if Mrs Carter called us. Then everything fell silent and so I assumed the performance was about to begin. 

"1, 2, 3, go!" That lazy voice was all too familiar. I was about to witness something that would become a part of my life. If only I had known then what was to happen a few years later.

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