Chapter 10-

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Vanessa's P.O.V

Cici came home from that party nearly half an hour early. She was brushing it off but I knew something was wrong. I didn't question her, there was no point. The morning after I went to wake her up at the usual 8 a.m. Honestly that girl was knocked out solid. So then after four hours she comes out lookin absolutely dreadful. She didn't say much, but she kept massaging her head, and also very hungry. I didn't know what to make of it, my Cic wouldn't drink, and absolutely not get hung over would she? I would have known, the stench would be coming off her, but ir hadn't which was a relief. Maybe she was just tired of exhaustion. She sat down to "watch" tv for a bit, with me watching her every move.

She went over to the park, I know she loves that place, ever since she was small.

Annes P.O.V

As usual Harry took alot of effort to wake the hell up. I popped down to the shops to get some bread and milk and then made myself a brew. After having forced the kid out of bed we sat and had a little chat for a while. He's been making new music, new parties. I never stop him, my Harry's responsible enough, and if he doesn't live a little how is he supposed to learn? It's in the making.  He made 50 quid at the party last night which is pretty good, but these parties only happen once in a while and Mike had told me that theres a job available for packaging and stuff, Harry would be able to do that I had said, so Harry didn't put up a fuss like I thought he would.  He popped down there after the match he was watching so I went to have a warm bubbly bath.

Harry's P.O.V

I headed over to Mike telling him I'd take the spot after a dissapointing game of 1-1 for man u and chelsea, wasn't looking great for em this season. Cici finally replied after a while and thank god she was okay. The way she was yesterday I was scared she'd do something stupid.

I headed over to Dan's because his mum was out so we watched some die hard and ordered some pizza whilst Dan got high as fuck, but I wasn't into that shit, what was the point? I got out my phone and I had another text from Cici. 

"Hey, just wondering what you're up to tomorrow?"

Oh cool she wanted to hang out.

"erm yeh, but I'll be working till four so, after then?"

"Yeh sure, you can come at half four then x"

I couldn't help but think she's never been out before, I had to take her somwhere cool, so she could live a little.

Cici's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning at 9, I'd had a decent amount of sleep as my eyes didn't feel the burning soreness but quite refreshed and awake.

After eating breakfast I couldn't help but feel empty, there was nothing to do, how had I been living like this for the whole 15 years of my life? It's like I met Harry, went to one single party and I realised how much I was missing out on, I had no friends, no life, no aim in each day, I couldn't even support myself. My mother did everything for me, and there was Harry with a damn job. There was this one girl next door called Abbie that used to play with me when I was younger, but I guess she just got fed up and left or something, either way I didn't see her again.

Dad was on night hours that day,  so he hung out with me whilst mum was at work for a while, we would watch TV and he would commentate making it ten times more hilarious and leaving us in laughing fits. "Right,  some short podgey woman just walked on, that scowl my lord 10/10 I-" he was cut off by his phone ringing, "ah yep..  you sure? James isn't there?... Man I need to talk to that lad, he can't just.." and the rest turned into a distant mumble as he walked towards the front door,  the jingling of his keys motioning he was leaving already. "Bye Cees!  Sorry sweet some stuff came up, I've left the house keys just incase and I'll be back soon" he shouted across the corridor "Okay n bye!" I shouted back, as the door shut.

Harry text me at 4 saying he was bored and he'd rather sleep, he said he might get off early as the shop wasn't as busy so he'd come over soon; so I had to be ready. I didn't take long so I sat on the couch, then got up to get something to eat, finding nothing I sat back fiddling with my phone in hand, mum needs to go grocery shopping.

Dad hadn't come back yet so I don't know what I'd do with Harry in the meantime. I'm sure they wouldn't mind him chilling here for a bit, not really exciting. I text dad saying I had plans so I had to go out. "oh okay,  take the keys with you then and make sure all the lights are off, won't be long,  and lock the door. x" Dad was more relaxed with me, he knew I'd take care of myself so now I had to wait for Harry.

After finishing the book I had been "reading" my phone started ringing and I picked up.


"Hey I'm outside your house now"

"oh okay I'll be out in a minute" I said hanging up and rushing to brush my hair, the knots in my tangled curls weren't helping so I gave up and shoved the shoes on mum said she'd left, which she had. Harry's probably freezing outside. I pulled my coat and scarf on, opening the front door and closing it behind me. Now,  how I supposed to lock the door? "Hey" I heard Harry call behind me. "Hey" I said. "Could you help me?" "yeh sure" I heard his light footsteps making their way to me "I can't get the key in." I sighed, embarrassed. He took the key without a word and locked the door, handing it back to me. He suddenly grabbed my hand suprising me, Fifi would usually be with me right now,  but I don't think that'd be a great idea right now,  she was fast asleep inside anyway. We began walking still hand in hand, I hope this didn't look too weird. "So where to?" I asked not actually knowing where we would go, I didn't know much. Harry was my guide this afternoon. "You'll see soon. " he replied as we carried on walking.  That day, Harry's light seemed clearly somehow, I could see him next to me, although the features where not clear I could definitely see. I looked down at our entwined hands, and gasped. The light radiating off of him was reflecting my hand. I could see my hand. I COULD SEE MY DAMN HAND. I wanted to lift it and look at it, but that would be weird to him. My heart seemed to have been racing, this was too much too handle, my stomach tightened, I felt sick and my head spun a little. Harry seemed to be oblivious to my strange manner. We came to a sudden stop as Harry tugged at my hand, pulling me back. "Road, don't want you getting run over do we?" he joked and I smiled, still panicking a little.  After about ten minutes we slowed, and then stopped. We must have reached the place. "okay we're here now" Harry said and gave my hand a little squeeze. "and where exactly is that?" I questioned. "It's one of the best places here, well I think so anyway, it's mopeham lake, real cool, but I'll show you something cooler" he said.  Well seems like it'd be fun. I heard the soothing motion of the water and a few people chattering away,  but we kept walking. Where is he taking me? There seemed to be grass of some sort surrounding our legd as we brushed past, snapping branches and twigs under our feet, the lake seemed distant now, and I could feel shade above us, giving me chills as a few drops of dew fell on my head.

"we're here" he said, almost a whisper, it was awfully quite. Whatever was about to happen, I sure hope we weren't going to get killed.

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