Chapter 12

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Weeks had passed and the usual routine carried out, Monday to Friday with music lessons and then english and maths; meeting Harry after four on Saturdays to his special little place. I had become much better at the guitar by now and even writing some little tunes myself, nothing major just 4 notes or something.

It was Sunday that day, Harry invited me over to his house saying his mum really wanted to meet me, he had met my parents when he stopped over a couple of times just so we could have music sessions but strangely, I had never been to his. When we reached Harry's house I was invited by a suprising warm embrace. "ah Cici! come on in" Harry's mum chimed. She had a wonderful aroma surrounding her, yet Harry didn't let go of my hand which was comforting as we went in and took our shoes off.

"you must know I've heard alot about you" Anne laughed and I gave a small smile, harry had mentioned his mum a couple of times and she already seems like a bubbly person, just like him. "yeh, all good things I hope?" I asked jokingly, this family seemed to be easier to get on with than my own. Me and Anne talked about everything, mostly her past in highschool and how she was a bad girl and how I shouldn't be like that, Harry gave an occasional remark or laughed or just called her stupid. It was nice to see how free he seemed around her.

We ate some shop bought pizza which wasn't half bad to be honest, pizza is pizza after all. Harry then went on to gave me a house tour; around the kitchen and sneaking some snacks in on the way upstairs to his room. As soon as I entered, a strange smell hit my senses, this was definitely not clean and my nose crinkled which to harry laughed and went to open the window letting fresh, cold air hover in. I heard some rustleing around and then harry brought me over to the bed to sit down. "hey, my room isn't the cleanest but atleast i have one right?" I gave a mocking dissaproving look, "i'll help clean up..just after you've cleared out some shit". "

well who cleans your room? Your mum? Mines not nice enough to do that"

"excuse me but i actually keep my room clean myself, and I can't see, so yes, I'm THAT good love" I said jokingly as he laughed to surrendering.

Harry put some movie on which didn't interest me at all, it seemed to go on for hours, my legs felt stiff as i kept moving to keep the blood running. "Cici, no, you can't not like Lord of the rings, stop, you're joking right?"

"no, it's pretty stupid, why does he have to go all that way if gandalf has that massive bird?" I accused,

"well that wouldn't be a good movie would it?"

"you don't have to drag it out so much either"

"you clearly have no taste, read the books or some shit"

"well I'm sorry but maybe you just aren't describing the scenes well, either way it's stupid" we carried on arguing over the plot until the first volume finished and the bag of crisps and popcorn had also vanished.

We soon were just lying there, Harry grabbing a hold of my hand for a few seconds and letting go and then doing the same again. "why do you do that?" he asked. "do what?" I was geniunely confused.

"I see it, every time I grab your hand you look straight at it and then sometimes you look me right in the eye" I looked at his face that had become much clearer over the weeks, his eyebrows creased above his eyes in a strained mountain shape. He couldn't have noticed, this was my little secret. "you sure you aren't going crazy?" I laughed half heartedly, I knew he would, or someone else would question me one day, but not so soon, not only months after I'd been experimenting with my vision. I then knew harry was somehow my "cure" as cheesy and cringey as it sounds. He was my vision, or was the light to my vision, kind of like some super glasses to see through. He stayed silent as I surveyed our hands entwined, smooth and youthful. "what is it Cici?" he pushed again, squeezing my hand slightly.

I fought an internal battle, was it safe to tell him? Was it even sane sounding to tell him? He'd probably kick me out, tell me to get myself checked because it was alot of crazy. Besides, I had no proof did I? How could I explain myself? Taking a deep breath I sat up, grabbed his other hand and looked at him. This shook him a little further but he waited. I then told him about the first time, the day of the first music lesson, how he frightened me and how I had to get myself checked at the doctors.The day he performed in front of class, The day of the party, his energy, the way I felt people, sensed smells, how this all progressed as I spent time with him, explaining how he was the reason I could see a little, and by the time I finished he sat staring at me. There, I had done it, now I would have no friends. "erm" He mumbled to himself for a few minutes and just looked at me. "it's okay if you don't believe me Harry, I sound psychotic I know, I'll go if you want me to..." I tried breaking the silence. Harry then lifted his left hand slowly "how many fingers am I holding up?" he asked, bewildered. I closed my eyes to open them again, focusing all my energy to make out the shapes that were unfolding slowly. After a minute or two I answered 3. Harry gasped and let go of my hand, confused. "I don't..I don't get it, this is so weird..Cici.." I just waited, it was alot to sink in.."I'll drop you off home, and just..I dont know just come back to sanity?" he laughed, but I could feel the hesitation,the doubt.

We walked back to my house in silence, Harry giving me occasional long glances and looking to the ground with his eyebrows still scrunched up. as we reached the house he called from behind me, "wait Cici?" I turned to face him. "does anyone else know about this?" he mumbled. "No. Just you, if you don't mind don't tell anyone?" I pleaded, No one else will believe me, Harry doesn't. He gave a simple nod "I don't even know what all this means" he sighed, walking away slowly.

Well, there goes Harry.

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