Chapter 3- The light

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Mrs Carter had called my mother immediately after the..what ever the hell it was. I remember hearing the door crash open from where I sat, Mrs Carter comforting me even though I told her I was fine now; the boy seemed to be far away.

"Oh dear lord Cici what happened honey?" mothers rushed words came to me in a panicked state. Great.

"Mum I'm fine" she reached for my arm and with a firm grasp tugged me out of the musical paradise,  saying goodbyes to my music teacher and poor old Drake.

After we reached the car mum decided to go into full panic mode.

"I knew this wasn't a good idea, you alone, I shouldve been there, this is all my damn fault" she punched the steering wheel causing me to jump.

"Mum. Mum calm down and I may have the chance to explain?" there was a long pause in the small vehicle.

"Well, what happened?" she let out a huff.

"It was the weirdest thing, I was just practicing notes on my guitar when all of a sudden this strong light just blinded me. Well not blinded because ya know I-" "What? you saw a light?" Mum was shocked,  she probably thought I was crazy. well lets leave out the part with some random ass guy being the cause of the light hey Cici? "Yeh, I saw it and I guess I kinda freaked" I let out a weak laugh. "We need to get you checked. I'll ring Dr Seacroft when we get home." "Yeh..that would be a good Idea." I sighed, like that guy would know, he's the worst doctor ever. Doctor's are pretty pathetic to be honest.  They couldn't diagnose me? They didn't know what this "gift" I had was. Sure he was gonna help. Probably give me a truck load of pain killers and that would be the cure of everything.  Pathetic.

"Come on let's get you home, you must be shaken up, I'll run you a hot bath." Mum always seemed to do this. Why didn't she understand? She thought I was vulnerable and weak with no sight, she needed to relax. Dad on the other'd be nice if he cared enough to utter a word to me. After getting home and lying in the warm bath mum had set up I had time to relax and think. The hot liquid was so soothing and warm covering my skin. The scent of vanilla candles also filled the aroma. always over doing it,  oh mum.

Who the hell was that guy. Harry? Did I hear his name right?   I had to find out. I had to speak to him right? He might know why. Maybe he had a gift too? I had to meet him. Even if it meant my eyes sizzling with that burning light again. hell it was better than pitch black of nothingness you gotta do this.

After an hour of day dreaming in the bath and shriveling up my skin like an old leather wallet; Mum brought a plate of spaghetti bolognese to my room. "Mum,  you gotta stop. I'm not traumatised okay? It was a little incident and I can sure as hell handle coming to eat dinner across the hallway." I let out a dramatic huff after my little rant. I was met with silence.  "Mum?" why didn't she say anything?  "No, it's dad." A familiar husky voice spoke. A lump formed in my throat, why and how? dad, here? How long did it take to realise you have a daughter dad?  I replied with a simple "oh." "Your mum told me about what okay?" I could fell a swirling loop of awkwardness float its way around us. oh dad. "erm yeh..I'm fine mums really just over reacting." I replied. This was weird, having a conversation with my dad. I lifted my fork and took a mouthful of the slippery starch covered in thick sauce. It was good. "Well you know, it is a big deal, you saw something,  that doesn't just happen Cily." my heart tugged at the longing of that name. Dad was the only one that called me that. After so long. dont cry you wimp. it's already way too awkward. "I dont just happened though mum said we'd get it checked." A large hand found its way to my smaller, bonier one. Oh. The emotions were so overwhelming.  Love. So much love and longing.  The lump in my throat felt like the size of a boulder.  This kind of love was different.  It was protective. "You know,  I've heard of things like this happen, and people do somehow miraculously gain their sight back." "You think so?" I asked. "'re a special one Cily I know you're strong." where was this coming from? I took another mouthful of spaghetti, chewing it slowly and then swallowing. "Thanks dad." Dad seemed to get up as the warmth radiating from him was further away. he patted my head, "well okay kiddo I gotta go now,  take care." The door clicked open. "Dad?" I wondered if he'd stopped.  "Yeh?"

"Why now?"


I sat up with a sigh hopefully facing him, clutching a fluffy pillow to give me some courage. "I's just that you haven't spoken to me in so long, why now?" silence. Footsteps came towards me. I could feel the hesitation. "You think I don't wanna speak to you?" his voice seemed so soft.  "well yeh..I mean we hardly speak and you're just never there." I looked down quickly to hide a tear which was going to be the beginning of a break down if I didn't control my self. "Cily" he sat down and wrapped his strong arms around me. oh no, please don't cry please cici dont my concious shouted. Too late. Tears seemed to gush down my face onto my fathers shirt, drenching it. He just held me there for a while letting me snap. After a while the crying stopped. Dad rubbed my back. This was still surreal. "Cily I love you, I do and I wish I could make more time for you...that's not an excuse I know." He sighed with frustration.  "it's's hard sometimes sweety. Your so different and I..I don't really know how to reach out to you. Your such a special character and I..It's overwhelming sometimes..." I hugged him tighter and sniffled "it's not hard dad just speak to me, say hi in the morning thats enough just a word a day, I know it's hard and you didn't want a blind ch-" "Hey..Cily don't you dare say that you hear?  How could you think that? You're so precious to us don't you ever think yourself of anything low" He really meant it. I could tell he was hurt from my words but it just seemed that way to me. "I'm sorry" I whispered. he rubbed my back soothingly and then got up. "I gotta go now Cily, if you wanna talk just tell me okay? Take care." He patted my head. "Okay, love you dad." His emotions seemed so strong now, he really wanted to hear me say that. "Love you too baby girl." and with that he left.

I finished the plate and placed it aside,  collapsing instantly from the exhaustion of the eventful day, Fifi slipping by my side.

I'd have to deal with Harry some other time.

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