Chapter 11

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(hey guys, it's been a very long time and shits been going on but I can't promise that I'll update regularly but I'll try my best, the story's not so interesting at the minute, but I think it'll be better this way, to drag it out a bit, leave any comments on what you'd like or if you don't like anything, any reccomendations. X)

Harry's P.O.V

I had been about 5 minutes early to Cici's house, so i decided to wait. I didn't wanna look stupid or anything. I just admired the garden for a bit. It was a regular garden, leafless trees covered in frost like the pavement, different flowers embedded surrounding the edges of the grassy lay out, roses, dafodils, dandelions, tulips, and other shit that I couldn't name. It had been maintained well though, there were little duck decorations and little creepy ass gnomes that I didn't like, it was like they watched you. I checked my phone and thought it was reasonable to text her to come out now, after leaning on the fence like a mong. She appeared about 5 minutes later and seemed to struggle with locking the door, it was hard to watch at times, how she struggled, She asked me to help and ofcourse I did, must mean no one's in then. 

I thought I'd hold her hand, nothing intimate, just she didn't have the dog with her, so..just a thoughtful gesture right? We walked in silence, she asked a couple of times where we were going, and then some small talk about my part time job. I noticed her look down at our hands from the corner of my vision, It was weird but I decided to keep quite. 

We reached the lake which I thought we'd come back to later, what I really wanted to show her was waiting in the desiduous woods a few yards away. She grasped my hand tightly as we stepped over branches and twigs and unsteady marsh, wet land. The undergrowth was rediculous here, but I loved the privacy of the enclosure. The trees shielded me from any of the outside world when I came here alone. I made most of the music here, it really was one of the best places here. I reached the centre of the forest which I crossed by when I came for a jog one day, there was asign saying danger but what the heck, that's what I live for, and I was drawn to it. It was an open field patch, surrounded by what must have been logs, cut off the trees that should have been there, now covered in dark green moss and weeds. Here the sun shone through, but the outside world of pollution and hatred and arrogance didn't. The field in which the logs were surounding had dozens of yellow daisies. Although it was winter, this patch miraculously grew year after year and season after season. I felt quite special; I knew no one else had found this little piece of private heaven, because there wasn't any scampy litter like there was in the inner city. I had almost forgetten Cici by my side.

"we're hear" I whispered, I don't know why, maybe because of the silence. I took her over to one of the logs, it was fairly dry but we were wearing our coats so it didn't really matter. "seems pretty quite" she said, I could tell she felt uneasy. "sorry, this must seem pretty weird, we are in the woods now, don't worry I'm not gonna kill you or anything" I laughed, hoping that would ease some of the tension that must have built up in her mind. I went on to desrcibe the scenery, I could tell she liked it when I did, she smiled and inhaled deeply."so this is like your private hang out place?" she asked. "actually I never bring anyone here, except for you, thought you'd appreciate it" that made her smile even brighter. "you know, I have a place like that, you know the lake I told you about?, maybe you can come with me there too, this place seems so calm, just like there." She went on to tell me how the dog took her there when she found it, and how she'd felt a special force there, leading her to visit there often. Seemed pretty cool. I told her how I made music here and she said to make sure I brought her next time I did. So she thought we'd hang out again? That's good. After talking for bit and then admiring the surrounding that left us feeling in awe we went back to the lake park, to get some food. I was starvin. "okay so theres a chippy here, pretty decent for a shitty little park we can eat there?" I said, I had eaten there before risking the fact that I may die of food poisoning or some shit, but I didn't they did good chips. We came to the little stall where the usual middle aged man stood in an apron, serving. The steam from the chips in the cold air made me that much more hungry, When the que came to our turn Cici gasped, "shoot, I forgot to bring money!" she panicked as he took our orders, the man gave me a weird look as if to say, no money, no food. "it's okay, I'll pay I said, half replying to the dude and half to Cici, the dick better stop lookin at us like that. We got our chips with gravy, Cici didn't like vinegar. "no, I can't stand vinegar, the smell, it's more like a stench, it's so bad!" she said pulling a disgusted face, I laughed as we move to the little table lay out next to the stall where we could supply ourselves with salts, sauces, forks and tissue. I poured on more vinegar, because unlike her, I'm actually normal. She crinkled her nose at the smell making me laugh harder. We walked to a wooden picnic table facing away from the lake and ate peacefully. Well, I say peacefully as In little boys playing football and sqeualing and being annoying. They were playing dangerously close to us, "hey, move away kay? I dont want a muddy football in my chips thanks" I remarked sarcastically, Cici laughed at that, whilst some cheeky ass kid purposefully kicked the ball towards us. Thankfully I'm good with footy, so I grabbed a hold of the ball, getting up and booted it a good 100 yards away. The little kids were pulling faces but hey, don't be little shits then. 

After eating It was getting darker, I checked the time, 8 p.m already? we started walking back to hers, "good day" I said. It had been fun actually, we talked mostly about random shit like why England was so shitty but it was better than Dan half baked, not making any sense what so ever, as I wrote some songs and ate the usual pizza. It took less time getting back because there were hardly any cars but it was chilly so I sad goodbye to Cici and practically jogged home.

"wer've you been?" mum asked, in the living room, watching Celebrity big brother. I didn't get why people were entertained by a bunch of stupid shits that were thrown in a house and did stupider shit. "Out with a friend" I said, hanging my coat on the peg and taking my dirty shoes off to join her. "friend as in Cici eh?" She nudged me, obviously she'd know. "Yes" I said as she gave me a stupid grin, causing me to smile aswell, stupid.

BlindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora