Chapter 9- Aftermath

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(okay guys I know it's been a while so I'd like to apologise, I've just been busy, but I will try to update more frequently, please vote and comment, it would mean alot)

After that treacherous night, and harry walking me home, it was more peaceful. I took a deep breath as my fingers reached to ring the doorbell. Mum had answered with confusion as I felt harry walking away. "oh. you're early? I was gonna pick you up? How did you get here?" She must of seen Harry as she then responded with "oh..I see" I walked straight pass her to prevent any suspicion she may have been having. "Why are you early? Something wrong?" I might aswell answer.  ", there wasn't much going on and I'm pretty exhausted,  so Harry walked me home." That seemed believable enough. "oh so that's Harry?" She asked with curiosity. "Yep..I'm pretty tired so I'm gonna go straight to bed" I said walking away. "Have you eaten" she asked now, I didn't know if she bought it or not, I sure hope so. "Yeh, loads of party food" I lied, I really didn't have the stomach to feed on anything, I was still pretty traumatised. I collapsed on my bed without taking my shoes off or changing,  I felt sick too,  I must have been real tired i thought as I entered a world of blackness.

Mum didn't wake me the next day, it was sunday, and I must have been sleeping for a while, my stomach growling with painful hunger answered those thoughts. I felt horrible. My head was pounding and I swear I could still hear the music drumming in my ears from yesterday. After lazily slumping out of bed and practically crawling to the living room, I heard my mum's voice. "Ah, you're awake, you were passed out on the bed, thought I'd let you sleep in" she said whilst turning pages of some book probably,  the sound of paper hitting the wind was clear. "I still feel tired" I groan and my stomach growled on cue,  as I quickly covered it with my hand to stop the noise. "I'll make you breakfast" Mum said, getting up from the couch, the sound of the squeaky leather hurt my head.

The smell of eggs and bacon was swimming through my nose into my stomach, making it growl louder and more painful. My mouth felt like a sea of saliva. The plate full was placed down for me to destroy in seconds. After munching on thr crispy bacon and soft eggs my hunger still lingered but I had to wait, I took a snickers bar from the kitchen after I asked mum where they were. I fixed myself so I hopefully didn't look as horrible as I felt, tying my hair up for a change. I sat around for a while doing nothing and just managing to hold myself together. A few hours passed like this, I wasn't aware of things really, trying to picture what was happening on the tv and how people even tolerated the annoying melodramatic voices. Mum seemed to enjoy it.

As the headache seized I wanted to do something, maybe get some fresh air, got to the lake we hadn't been to for a while.

After 15 minutes I found myself walking Fifi to the park, well, Fifi walking me to the park.  She stopped sometimes as other dogs passed. We reached the marshy land and then my patch of dry grass. The lake seemed unusually quite today, no movement,  no nothing. However it was calming and soothing no matter what. It was chilly today, I had worn my coat to keep me warm and fifi ran around some to keep herself warm and entertained. This was kind of like my meditation. As usual I felt the great force of a presence, I let it envelop me, guarding me, calming me.

Harry's P.O.V

I lay in bed till around 12 in the noon, when mum came to drag me out of bed. "Get uuuppp!" she sighed frustratedly tugging at my arm. "noo" I grunted muffled, with my face in the cushion, waving her off. "Come on, I'm bored" she said. Well. "I don't care" I mumbled again, my throat dry. After about five minutes of this I gave up and got out of my blankets to join her downstairs.  "How was the party?" she asked feet up on the coffee table, mug in hand. All of a sudden the events from yesterday rushed to my head. Shit. Cici.  "Yeh they loved the music a lot" I smiled rapidly typing and sending a text to Cici to see how she was. I didn't get a reply for a while so I put it aside, engaging in conversation with mum. I wasn't one of those dicks that ignored their mother and never came home, I liked spending time with her, I could talk to her about literally anything. "You know there was a part time job at the corner shop, Mike was telling me, you could earn some cash Harry."

"I'm making some from the music mum" I sighed. Why even bother. "I know hun but that's not very often, you can do a part time job, help me out a little, have your own money" she said taking a sip of her tea. She was right,  I wanted to help my mum. That's the least I could do for the struggle she's had bringing me up on her minimum salary. "Okay I'll go see Mike" I said patting her on the thigh. "soon" she said, smiling at me. "okay fine, soon, I'll go today if you want me to" I said, changing the channel to see what match was on today, Man United were playing against Chelsea, big game. Mum sighed with disagreement and lifted a book she was reading, some Dickens book, I checked my phone again, no reply.

Cici's P.O.V

An hour or so must have passed as I sat blissfully in this surrounding. It was getting much more colder out so I took it as my que to go home. Fifi rubbed herself against my legs, as we made our way back.

Mum had made pasta which I took back to my room, taking my phone off charge. "You have,  2 new messages and 3 missed calls" the monotone voice spoke. First I checked the messages. "Hey Cici;, just wanted to make sure you okay?" it was Harry, "Okay just text me when you get this"

"Cici I hope you're okay" he seemed pretty panicked,  it was sweet of him I guess I instantly typed a reply; "hey Harry,  thanks for asking, I felt a little under the weather but I'm better now x".  After hitting send I finished my second plate and a buzz sounded from my phone. Pretty quick.  "Oh good, I thought you'd died or something haha x" I couldn't help but smile. "haha, nope still alive,  just went down to the park for a bit."

"oh okay, the same park? x"

"yep, I needed to relax a bit, what've you been upto? x"

"nothing much,  chilled with mum, and got a part time job today :)"

"ah that's really good! Where?"

"corner shop down the road on weekends x"

I wanted a part job too, but that was shockingly not possible for me.

"cool, I'll be popping down there then haha x"

"yeh be sure to, might get you free stuff ;)"

"yeh deffo x"

After a little while I said bye and headed over to mum and dad in the living room, weekends were always so boring, I didn't know what to do with myself. Maybe I'd ask Harry what he was up to tomorrow.

(okay this chapter hasn't been really exciting but it'll get better soon, please leave suggestions if you want to x)

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