Sikowitz's Class

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     Sikowitz sat on a worn out stool in the front of the classroom, sipping luscious coconut milk and staring at the ceiling. The group of impatient teenagers squinted their eyes at him with looks of confusion.

     "Sikowitz?" Andre said, breaking the silence that was filling up the empty seats.

     Snapping back into reality as if nothing ever happened, the dazed and psychotic teacher stood up and smiled. He loved his students more than anything in the world, well, except for coconuts. He walked over to a black box that had a bunch of little scraggly papers in its interior. "Okay students," he stated, placing the box down on the stool he was just sitting on. "As you all know, every year for the annual Full Moon Jam we like to select a handful of students to perform original music to showcase themselves. Here in this box are papers with your names on them, and I am going to reach my hand in and select one person from this class to perform."

     Murmurs echoed through the classroom, everyone eager to be selected. "And the person who will be doing a live performance this Saturday night is... Jade West!"

     Jade perked her head up and sipped her coffee, smirking evilly with great pleasure. She had been working on a few songs lately and was always more than excited to be the star of something. "Well it's about damn time!" She vocalized.

     She was pumped to finally be picked to be the center of attention for something. She was constantly getting overlooked, and it was about time she got to express herself through music she had been working really hard on, especially lately. Ever since her and Beck broke up six months ago, she hasn't been able to share her music with anyone as it's far too painful and personal. She's an open-book and everything, but there were a lot of things that people didn't know about her. There were a lot of things she didn't really even know about herself. Beck helped her understand more and more every day about who she was, but ever since the day she walked out of that door something has been different. A pain she had never felt before stabbed through her chest, with bleeding tears streaming from her heart. At the same time, she also felt more free and alive than she ever had before. Something triggered her and her brain to think of things she had always pushed to the side because of Beck. However, all of those thoughts she had been avoiding were now popping into to head every day. The biggest one of them all:

Her sexuality.


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