Toilet Paper - (Tori's POV)

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(NOTE: There's a lot of dialogue in this one. This scene was (for the most part) directly taken out of the show and some of it contains exact lines from the episode. I would like to make it VERY clear that I do not own those particular lines in any way shape or form. I would also like to apologize in advance since this is another boring chapter, but I felt like I had to include it to keep somewhat of the same plot going).

-Monday Morning at School-

Andre and I are both walking, and while I'm telling him a funny story about how Trina's pants exploded one time at dinner, we run into Beck in front of my locker.

"Hey," Beck says, grinning and looking up from his PearPad.

"Oh hey, Beck." I say walking in his direction. "What's up?"

"Well I-" He gets cut off by Andre's phone, who is getting an incoming call from his grandma. We all love Mrs. Harris, but she's very uh.. well she's... she's insane. Jade thinks she has schizophrenia, which actually kinda makes sense.

At the other end of the line, screaming through the phone we hear her shout "ANDRE!"

"Yeah, what's up Grandma?"

"ANDRE! THERE'S AN EMERGENCY, ANDRE!" Her crazed voice echoes through the phone.

Beck looks at the phone and then at Andre and says, "Dude, take it off of speakerphone." Andre glances down and then back up and proceeds to explain to us that it's not on speakerphone. Yikes. He walks away to try and calm down his insanely confused grandmother. Moments later, this super friendly girl named Meredith walks over. She's always been super nice to me, although now that I think about it I've never really sat down and talked to her before. She's kind of one of those "in school only" kind of friends.

"Hey Tori! Hey Beck!"

"Oh hey, Meredith." I say.

"What's up?" Beck says, looking down at the petite brown haired girl. She's a tiny little thing.

She grins ear to ear while looking into Beck's eyes. "Not much. So Beck, I was wondering if you want, maybe we can hang out later?"

He's hesitant to reply, and I can already see that he's going to say no. "Listen, today isn't really going to be good, I'm uh, kinda busy."

"Okay, well maybe another time."

"No! Wait!" I find myself saying. "Beck, what do you mean today's not good? What's wrong with today?"

"Today I have a... big jar of coins.. and I need to count them."

Facepalm. Really, dude? A jar of coins? There's no way she's even going to belie-

"Okay, have fun!" I stand corrected as she smiles and walks away. I look at him with confusion.

He looks at me and tells me that he can't hang out with Meredith. I start to ask him why he can't go out with her, and next thing I know he's grabbing my wrist and hauling me into the janitor's closet. Everyone just loves the janitor's closet, don't they?

"Okay, I get that Meredith likes me, and maybe I could like her. But you know... Jade."

I don't understand! Meredith is a cute, nice girl and he should be able to hang out with her without fearing of Jade finding out. "Ugh, you and Jade broke up MONTHS ago!"

He shakes his head. "Yeah, but when the two of us were together, Meredith and I were in a play together and we both had the lead roles. You know how Jade gets, and so she got crazy jealous. If she found out or saw that I was going out with Meredith now, she would literally erupt like a volcano."

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