Like That - (Tori's POV)

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Here I sit on Jade's couch unreservedly dumbfounded, shirtless and confused. Unsure of how to react, I sit a while in awe replaying the moment over and over and over again in my head. Jade West just... kissed me? I don't understand what just happened. I just thought we were being stupid teenage girls drinking and having fun. I didn't realize that... I don't even know.

Lost in my own head, in the background I hear Jade having a massive mental breakdown in her bedroom. Frantically, I rush over to her door and start to knock. She doesn't respond, but instead cries harder than I thought was humanly possible.

"Jade?" I pause. No response. "Jade, come on," I say softly, trying to get her to let me in. "Open the door." This continues for about five minutes until I give up and accept the fact that she wants to be alone right now. I walk over to the shirt I had carelessly thrown on the floor and put it back on. Then I remember that Jade drove us here, so I don't have a car. I don't know whether to crash on the couch or text Trina to pick me up. It might be best if I go, so I text Trina asking her to pick me up. She's hesitant at first, unsure as to why, but ends up coming anyway.

I get in the car and say nothing, leaning my head against the window. For once, Trina doesn't say anything to me. She just drives, which I appreciate more than anything. She's actually a really good sister, everyone just sees her diva side all the time. We pull into our driveway and I hurry out of the car, quickly open the front door and bolt inside. Trina runs in right behind me, this time she's not quiet.

"Tori!" She says, chasing me. I make it to the stairs until she catches up to me and grabs my shoulder. "Tori, what happened?"

I start to wobble a little off balance but catch myself. "Oh my god, were you drinking?" She sits on one of the steps and pats her hand to sit next to her. I sit. "Tori, what happened at Jade's?"

I don't want to tell her. It's all still processing in my head. I'm unsure of what happened myself. "Nothing."

"Tori. I'm your big sister, you can tell me anything."

I look at her and she's being serious, I know that. I know I can tell her anything. But I can't. "We were just drinking, that's all. I didn't feel well so I wanted to come home, so can I please head upstairs to bed?" I had to lie. She's not convinced, but she lets me go up to my room and leaves me be the rest of the night.

I don't hear from Jade the entire weekend. I sent her millions of texts, called her a bunch of times, yet still no answer. I hope she's okay.

Monday morning I wake up bright and early for school, wanting to get there a little earlier than usual in hopes of running into Jade. I really need to talk to her about Friday. She can't ignore me forever.

I enter Hollywood Arts roughly ten minutes earlier than I would any other day. I walk over to my locker and shuffle around with my things when a little redhead comes my way.

"Hey, Tori!" The child smiles up at me. I wish I was Cat.

I smile back. "Hey, Cat. Have you seen Jade anywhere?" If anyone would know, it'd be Cat.

She shakes her head. "Nope. I called her yesterday to ask if she wanted to hang out and eat pizza, but she yelled at me to hang up and then my brother started yelling at his turtle."

"Oh," I sigh. "I just really need to talk to her, that's all."

"Did something happen?" The little redheaded girl looks like a sad concerned puppy.

"No," I assure her. "I just borrowed something and I have to give it back."

"Oh, okay! Hahahaha," she laughs walking away. Ohhhh, that girl.

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