The Game - (Jade's POV)

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Tori and I get into my car and head over to my house for more "rehearsal." I say that in quotations because I just want to get to know her more. Yeah, I've known her a while and I know the basic things, as in common sense, but I don't know the deep things. Like what are her darkest secrets? What are her insecurities? What are her pet peeves? You know, those sort of things. I have to try and distract myself from the fact that we're going to have to kiss in front of my people on camera-- everything I've been desperately trying to avoid this entire time.

On the way to my house we blast music. We scream the lyrics at the top of our lungs, having our own private party in the moving vehicle together. Laughter overlays the sounds coming out of the blaring speakers, nothing but a prideful ambience. These are the things Beck and I would never do. It's a really nice feeling. I like this. A lot.

Momentarily, the music dies as I pull into my driveway. I turn the key and off goes the car, and the crickets fill the silence. I step onto the rocks and shut the car door as I find myself glancing over at her again. I look back down and the two of us head on inside, which of course, is empty. My dad gets home really late-- sometimes. It depends on if he cares enough to come home or not. Other than that, he's busy checking into hotels for "business purposes," he says.

Entering my house I allow Tori to go in before me, closing the door after her.

"So," she begins to say, "what exactly more is there to do?"

I look down again, then up into her eyes. God, those eyes are mesmerizing. "Uh, well I think I'm okay with rehearsing the song for now."

"But... I thought that you wanted me to help you some more for your performance?"

I hesitate. "I know I did, but... I don't want to focus on any of that right now. I want to just sit and get to know you more."

She raises a brow. "Did Jade West just say she wants to get to know me more?"


"I see."

"So..." I walk to the kitchen and get out two glasses. "Do you want a drink?" I offer.

"Sure, could I have a water?" Oh, Tori. So innocent.

I shake my head and a small chuckle escapes through my lips. "I meant, do you want an alcoholic beverage?"

"Oh, I don't-"

"Oh come on, Tori. Aren't you tired of always following the rules all the time? Getting perfect grades, being a perfect daughter, a perfect sister, living up to all of these expectations of constantly being perfect?"

I see her eyes start to wander downwards like she's debating on this or not. I hope she doesn't feel pressured; I don't want to pressure her into doing anything that makes her uncomfortable.

She looks up at me, and I am surprised when I see her grin. "Pour me a glass."

I pour vodka into our glasses and head into the living room, taking a seat on the couch beside her. I hand her the glass and she nods at me, which I return.

"Cheers," she says.


I study her as she takes her very first sip. She's never had alcohol in her system before- that I am positive of. But I already knew that. She looks at me and coughs, then laughs and takes another sip. "God this tastes awful! Why do people do this?"

"It's the perfect escape from reality," I assure her. She smiles at me and I smile back at her. This is nice.

I drink a few sips, this time I find her studying me. "How many times have you drank," she questions me.

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