The Sticky Note - (Jade's POV)

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I run out of Tori's house crying with my hand on my face where I'd been whacked by Trina's ring. There's definitely a mark along some blood, so that's just awesome. I ignored Mr. and Mrs. Vega when they called after me as I sprinted down the stairs and out the front door. I only cared about getting out of there. Everything is ruined now. I feel like the world just doesn't want me to be happy. Maybe happiness isn't something that's meant to be in my life after all. 

I get in my car and drive in the opposite direction of my house. I don't know where I'm going, but I keep driving. I haven't stopped crying since I left Tori's room, and I feel nothing but weak and humiliated. The fact that Trina Vega slapped me and I didn't even think about swinging back at her is another level of embarrassing. I could've shut her down in 0.5 seconds had it been a different scenario, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. 

My eyes burn and my nose is running from all of my ugly crying. All I do nowadays is cry, cry, cry, and then cry some more. It's so pathetic. My vision blurs from the tears and I swerve into the next lane, almost hitting an oncoming truck before seeing the headlights before me, and I quickly pull back into my lane. Instead of making a good decision to pull over, I keep going, but only because Cat's house is right around the corner. I really just need a friend. My best friend.

I pull up to Cat's house and knock on the door. I hear the child's voice from inside say "I'll get it!" The red-haired girl is grinning when she opens the door, which immediately fades when she looks at me, confusion in her eyes. "Jade?" She asks, concerned, simultaneously opening the door and gesturing for me to come inside. Without a word, we head up the stairs and into her very colorful room of pinks, oranges, and yellows. All the happy colors. 

"Jade, what's wrong? Why is your cheek bleeding? Are you okay?!" She sits down on the bed next to me. Aside from her typical dumbness, she's a really good friend and listener. 

I shake my head at her, not even knowing where to begin. "I don't even know where to start, Cat."

We sit in silence for a moment until the innocent girl looks at me and asks, "Does this have to do with Beck?" I shake my head. "Okay... is it the movie project?" I shake my head again. "I'm running out of ideas," she says with comfort still in her voice. I shrug. We sit in silence again for a solid minute or so until she thinks of another reason why I could be upset. "Wait, is it about what happened in class today?"

I look up at the girl, tears still in my eyes. "In a way, I guess." I pause. "Well, not that in specifics, but the topic is correct." 

"What do you mean?" she asks.

I clear my throat. "Everything is just so complicated, Cat... I just... I..." I look down at my lap, fidgeting my fingers. "Have you ever liked someone that you knew you couldn't have?"

"Are you suuuureeee this isn't about Beck?" The clueless girl asks. 

"It's not about Beck, Cat!" She jumps at my raised tone and I stand up, beginning to pace back and forth in her room. I look at her and I can tell she doesn't know what to do, and I don't blame her. I know she doesn't want to pry but does want to know what's going on. I want her to know too, it's just difficult to form the words. "I'm sorry I yelled, I just don't know how to get this out."

She smiles slightly. "It's okay, Jade. I understand. Take your time."

I sit quietly again for a couple seconds. "So, for a while now I've been questioning... myself." She tilts her head and asks what I mean by that. "I think that..." I close my eyes. "I am in love." Cat's eyes light up with excitement as she squeals happily. She opens her mouth to bombard me with questions.

"With Tori," I say before a word peeps out of her.

The little red head is thrown off guard and surprised. She tilts her head in confusion. "Tori as in Tori..." she cups her hand around the side of the mouth and whispers, "Vega?"

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