Their Partner Watches You

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Your father/mother is called away on an individual mission. They entrust your full care and safety to their partner, whom is now completely responsible for you and must deal with you until your parent returns.


"Fuck no."

"(Y/n)! Pein would not let you speak that way!" Konan scolded.

"Nyah, Nyah, Nyah, Nyah, Nyah! Fuck off!"

"(Y/n), don't swear!"

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."


You stuck your tongue out stubbornly, turning away from Konan. She wasn't your father, he was out on mission. You sure as hell weren't listening to her.

"Hey, bitch. Where's the food at?"

"Excuse me?"

"Bitch. Where's the food at?"

"That's it! I'm done!"

"See ya, bitch."


"Look at me!" You called excitedly.

"Yes, I see, (Y/n)." Pein mumbled.

"You aren't even looking!"

"Yes, I am." He argued.


"Fine, I'm looking."

A cheeky grin plaster across your face as you reached down and kicked your feet in the air, doing a hand stand.

"Look what I can do! I've been practicing to show Okaasan!"

"I'm sure she'll love it."

"Y-You think so?" You stuttered.

"I know so."


"'Tachi!" You cheered excitedly, throwing your arms around him. He chuckled slightly, ruffling your hair with his hand.

"Hello, (Y/n)." Itachi greeted.

"'Tachi can we have dango?"

Itachi nodded his head, leading you into the kitchen contently and getting out some dango. He got three sticks for himself and three for you.

The two of you sat contently at the table, eating away at the sweets.

A certain blue-haired male was watching from hidden inside the shadows, jealously radiating from him body.

"Why does she like Itachi more than me?" Kisame muttered.


"(Y/n), it's just your shadow."

"Kisame, it's a monster!"

The shark-like male sighed, walking in your direction. He picked you up, your small arms rapidly clinging around his neck.

"It's just your sha-"

"Eek! Mouse!"

"How are you an Uchiha? I thought you were all supposed to be calm and emo..."


"I'm a Lord Orochimaru's spy, not his babysitter." Kabuto muttered.

"Kabuto? Have you seen Kobura?"

His eyes flickered towards you, rather confused. Kobura? Kabuto raised an eyebrow, causing you to roll your eyes.

"My snake!" You whined.

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