Your Jutsu Goes Awry

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"Transformation Jutsu!"

When the smoke cleared, you looked at yourself with a grin. But then you were confused. You saw the puff of smoke and everything, and you knew you'd put enough chakra into it... So why did you look exactly the same as you had before? The reason was made clear to you at the gasp and angry growl from behind you.

Whipping around, your eyes fell on a blue-haired boy. He had amber eyes, and was wearing violet eyeshadow. In his hair was a light blue rose, and he had a piercing in his bottom lip. It was unmistakable of who it was, despite the missing breasts and the addition of a new... body part.

"Change me back, now!" she... er... he snapped.

"O-on it!"


"I don't get it, Okaasan. I used it on the tea I made, and then I left for one minute and came back and it was gone."

Your confusion was soon answered when Kakuzu entered the room, stating it was urgent. When you guys arrived in the meeting room, the rest of the Akatsuki was already there. As soon as your eyes fell on the tea cup, panic began to rise in your stomach. You opened your mouth to demand who drank it, but you no longer needed to ask. You immediately returned to the kitchen to make a bottle of milk for the antidote.

The rest of the Akatsuki stayed with the toddler version of their leader while Pein happily tugged on Dediara's hair.


"[Y/n]... what did you do?"

"I didn't mean to, 'Tachi, really! It was an accident..."

"It's alright, I think I can undo it."

The little goldfish simply swam in circles around the bowl whilst Itachi began to gather his chakra. You knew you were going to hear an earful from your father as soon as he was turned back into a human. You hadn't meant to turn him into a goldfish! It just... kinda happened.


"Um... Otousan?"

No response.

"Otousan, are you there?"

You could only search desperately for you father in the gigantic clearing. You were simply trying to use the summoning jutsu without the blood sacrifice as a test, and next thing you knew... your father was a weasel. You had been about to take him back to the base, but you got separated and now he was lost in a clearing of other weasels that all looked identical to him.

You were going to be searching for a while.


"Otousan, can you undo it?"

"I believe so. What happened, exactly?"

"I don't know. We were sparring, and then I apparently turned Kabuto into a rat..."

"Don't worry, snakelet. I'll change him back, but you have to leave the room. He'll be naked and you don't need to see that. Shoo."


"Deidara, there's nothing wrong."

"Are you kidding me? She turned me into a girl, un!"

"Brat, you look the exact same."

"Danna, un!"

Your two fathers continuously bickered back and forth about the matter, you awkwardly sitting on Sasori's bed. You had been showing Deidara a cool new jutsu but for some reason it didn't work, and then Deidara claimed it turned him into a girl. He still looked the same though, it was kind of weird...

"Brat, you're the same. You're probably finally noticing that you just look like a girl in general."

The blonde only snarled before ripping his shirt off, the redhead's eyes going wide as blood poked from his nose. Your jaw dropped before you quickly covered your eyes. He wasn't kidding, the jutsu turned him into a girl. Deidara had fucking boobs. Oh my Jashin. If Hidan found out, Dei would never live it down!

"Change me back, un!"


"Danna, It's not that bad, un..."

"Are you fucking kid me, you brat? Turn me back! Now!"

"I'm not completely sure how. [Y/n] doesn't know how it happened and I don't want to mess it up more, un."

"Turn. Me. Back."

Your father cringed at the menacing tone in Sasori's voice. The puppet, or should I say former puppet, was not impressed. He'd already given the two of us an hour-long lecture about how long it took to turn himself into a puppet in the first place. I hadn't meant to make him a real boy! Not my fault that he was some fucking ripoff of Pinocchio. 

But how were we going to change him back?

Time to go find Pein!


Your father couldn't stop laughing at the pissed off looking chicken. It had been bawking and ruffling it's feathers for almost 30 minutes, and he still had no intention of helping. It had been a jutsu gone wrong, and long story short, Hidan was a chicken. When you'd taken him to your father for help, Kakuzu just started laughing and he was still doing it now.

You didn't know what else to do. You didn't know how to change him back, and Kakuzu was the eldest in the Akatsuki. If anyone knew what to do, then he would. Still, you were forced to awkwardly stand there holding your boyfriend, who was a chicken, in your arms while your father laughed his ass off.

Good times.



"I'm sorry, Otousan! I-I didn't mean to!"

"Look what you fucking did! It's pink! FUCKING PINK!!"

"I-I just-"


The rest of the Akatsuki only snickered as Hidan stood in the middle of the meeting room swearing like a sailor and you simply sat on the couch beside Kakuzu, completely petrified. The older male was keeping Hidan away from you, although snickering, while the rest of the Akatsuki just sat their laughing.

It wasn't ever day you saw Hidan with pink hair."


"How exactly, did this happen?" your father asked with Obito's voice.

You could only shrug, gently petting the puppy in your arms. He didn't protest, having fallen asleep in your lap several minutes before. You'd turned your boyfriend into a dog, and never before in your life had you felt so confused. You did the first thing you thought of, returned home to ask your father for help.

Luckily, he knew how to change Kakashi back.

Unfortunately, Kakashi would remember every second.

He wasn't going to be impressed.


"This is very strange. What the hell did you do?"

"Quite a simple concept really. By incorrectly measuring the angle of the chakra passage in one's body, a ninja can use an incorrect balance of chakra when performing a jutsu. When an incorrect balance has been used, the chakra can create different forms and now flow correctly through their chakra passages. When this occurs, one mu-"

"I have no idea what he's saying. Neither do I. [Y/n], make Tobi stupid again this instant! I miss his idiotic self."

Whilst Zetsu babysat the incredibly intelligent and genius version of Tobi, you got to work on creating a counter jutsu that would turn him back. You had just tried to give him a bit more common sense, not turn him into a fucking scientist. Well, at least you learned a lesson.

Never try to make Tobi smart again.

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