Chapter 2

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"The what?" I asked.

"The Grand Magic games!"

"But why would be entered in them?" I asked. It was just a week after our mission I healed up from the venom, and now I've learned that Zac, Khalia, Sara, Micah, and I were entered in the grand magic games.

"Cause you're our strongest!" Blazer my Exceed said to me.

"Right Boss!" Glacia his mate and Foxwood's exceed said.

"Uh yeah I guess. So when are the grand magic games?" I asked.

"Three months sir." He said, "Oh and Fairy Tail is entered in them." He continued. Erza

Chapter 2: The Ties between me and you!

"Boss. HEY BOSS!" Blazer shouted.

"Huh wha?"

"You zoned out after I said Fairy Tail, any reason why?"

"Uh Yeah. I'm... Acquainted with one of their guild members." I replied. Erza, do you remember.

"Boss you're zoning out again." He reminded me. Erza.

"This is my Shadow Empress armor. Prepare to face defeat!"
"I will not lose to a Fairy Tail wizard our master is a Dragon and thus we must up hold our guilds name, Titania Erza. I am Dragos
AN: Pronounced Dray-gos like Legos. Unless I'm the only one who pronounces it like Le-go-s. Kyle Guardian of Dragons and I will not lose. Dragon Slayer Secret Art Dragon Transcendence!"

"This magic power are you truly a Dragon?" She scoffed. "No matter I will not lose either only one of us will walk away victorious." She continued.

"AND IT SHALL BE ME!" We exclaimed and charged, my claws clashed with her sword and an epic battle raged on.

"BOSS!" Blazer shouted and I fell down.

"Ouch, sorry bud. I was reminded of something about eight years ago." I said with a sigh. "I don't remember who won though."
"Won what?" Blazer asked.

"Hmm oh nothing." I continued. "It's not important." All I remember is that after the fight Erza and I became close friends. But that was eight years ago and I have seen her since who knows if she remembers me. I sighed and laid down on the floor. Blazer walked off and I sighed, "Erza."

My claws against her blade didn't stand a chance. She bounced back every one of my attacks and cut my arm I still have the scar, I roared and swatted her away with one of my claws and dove after her. "Shadow Dragon Wing Attack!" I shouted and blew her away with my massive wing beat. "Shadow Dragon... ROAR!" I roared and the sound waves tore apart the trees surrounding her and she stood in the middle of a crater. She leaped and slashed but I batted away the attack like it was nothing. "Shadow Dragon Iron Fist!" I exclaimed and smashed her down making the crater even deeper. I screeched in pain and lifted my claws off her to see that she drove her sword into one of them. The spell wore off and Erza and I collapsed, exhausted.

"Kyle you okay you seem to be thinking 'bout something important." Foxwood said joining me on the floor.

"Nah just remembering a good friend." I said as vaguely as possible.

"Well I came to tell you that a large group of travelers are here, A girl with red hair, a boy with pink, a girl with blue, a boy with black, and a blonde girl along with a skinny orange haired man and a tall black haired one."

"Wait red?"
"Yeah almost scarlet even." She replied. I bolted up and ran out of our house my dragon ears picked up a few voices.

"Uh are you sure we took the right path?" One said.

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