Chapter 16

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Foxwood's POV

I was up with my brother as he was busy piloting the airship. "So uh... We'll be making a short stop." He said and sighed. "Apparently they forgot to refuel the Lacrima so I'll need to land so we can refuel it. Can you go tell the others we'll be stopping?" He asked.

"Oh sure." I said looking over to where Khalia's chair was. "I miss her."

"I do too but... We need to keep on moving... She'll show up probably stronger than ever." He replied and I left him to go tell the others.

I headed down to the main deck first and towards Kyle's room where Inky was. "Hey Inky." I said opening the door.

"Why are you calling me that? My name is Doreiku." Inky said, he was sitting on the bed his tail hanging over the edge.

"Because my Dragon Natarus always gave a nickname to my siblings and other dragon slayers and I guess I do it too. I know my brother gave you the name but I like it so that's what I'll call you. Anyways we'll be stopping soon because we need to refuel the airship. Knowing my brother he'll probably stop at some big port town so we'll be there a while." I said sighing about my dragon.

"Okay I'll be ready.. I'll see you later Foxwood." He said as I left the room and closed the door behind me. After that I went downstairs and told the rest of them the same thing. On the way I stopped by a door that was always locked.

"I wonder why my brother always kept this locked..." I said and grabbed the door knob and turned it. To my surprise the door opened inward to a dark room. I went in and closed the door behind me. "The lights are out... Enhance Nature's Bounty!" I said quietly and the magic circle lit up the room. In the center of the room was a box locked up with chains. On the box was a piece of paper. "Do not open..."

Chapter 16: Windfall! The Dragoon Inquisitor.

"Why would he keep a locked box in here... Why not in his room?" I asked going over to the box and examined it. Just then a hole was blasted in the floor. "What the!?" I shouted as whatever broke through the floor grabbed the ceiling and I looked through the hole and floating in the sky just below the hole was a Giant Cat Fish.

"I hate trespassers in my air space. But that's okay... You'll be permanent residents of my island after I crush this pathetic airship!" A voice boomed from the fish and what broke the floor turned out to be a whisker for the cat fish and the rest of its whiskers wrapped themselves around the Dragon's Glory and ripped it in half.

"Not If I can stop you! Nature Dragon Roar!" I roared and the blast of the magic barely scratched the fish.

"Pathetic." He boomed again and it crushed the separate halves of the ships and dropped them into the ocean below.

I blinked my eyes open and then closed them again. What I saw was different from what I last saw. I was lying on a beach and just in my sight was the locked box, the chains were now broken and the boxes was open. "Hey are you okay?" A voice asked and I looked around for its source. "On the other side my milady." It said again and I rolled over to see a crystal statue shaped like a dragonling.

"Who said that?" I asked looking around some more.

"That would be me." They said again and I kept looking around. They sighed and huffed, "Just touch the statue in front of you okay?" They asked and I did so placing a hand on the dragonling. When I did it shattered and in it's place was an actual dragonling.

"Wait what?" I said backing away from the dragon. "What just happened?"

"What you did was free me from that crystal prison..." The dragonling said yawning. "Man it's been ages since those dumb Dragon Slayers trapped me in there... Just because I'm the kid of one of those dragons that hated humans..."

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