Chapter 17

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              "So can you tell me exactly where are we?" Elijah asked as we walked along the boardwalk in search of our friends.

"Um... All I know is that this is the capital of the country Windfall... Any idea where that is?" I answered his question with one of my own. "I kind of remember seeing a chain of islands on my maps, but I've never been here myself... The ferry captain was right... This place is obviously a resort of sorts I see people from all over here." I continued on still gazing around at the merchant stalls. "It's like a bazar it's so weird."

"I think I've read about Windfall... I believe that this used to be a Dragonian Society... AN ancient race of half dragons and half humans... They worshiped a group of dragons they had deemed The Pure Dragons. I uh don't remember much else..." Elijah said as he stopped in front of a stall.

Chapter 17: The Island of Dragon Roost!

"What? We don't have time to shop." I said and found what he was looking at, "It's selling a Dragon Regalia... I thought only our guild had these...?" I said and picked up the book and examined it over. "It says Volume Two..."

"We have Volumes one, three, and five... Four and Two were lost to time as Necosifer said... Excuse me sir..." Elijah said turning to the vendor.

"Ah I see you're interested in the history of our island here... That book is all about our island but you don't want to read about some boring dragons... How about this Guide book, it has all the great sites of Windfall in your hands... Only 3000 jewel."

"I want this one... How much?" Elijah asked and the man shook his head.

"You sure about this? Fine... Only 5000 jewel..."

"Why is it more?" I shouted at him, "It's a smaller book than that guide book!"

"It's my stall I make the prices... 5000 jewel..." The merchant said and I grumbled something and gave him the jewel... "Thank you sir... Hopefully you enjoy that boring book." He said as me and Elijah walked away.

"Hopefully you enjoy that book." I mocked and Elijah rolled his eyes at me. "What?"

"Never mind... Let's see here... HE said it was about this island so that means this place was important to the Dragons... Let's see..."

'A race of Dragons above the reach of the dark corruption of the Shadows... The Pure Dragon children of Father Heaven, the Dragons of Crystal, Night, The Moon, and Starlight... The Four Pure dragons made their home on an island chain away from Humans to not corrupt their Purity... But the Night Dragon wasn't as pure as the others believed he was. Before they had moved to the island The Night Dragon had fallen in Love with a shadow dragon and had a child. The Dragon of Midnight, the dragon of Night took the child dragon with him to protect it from corruption. Though this was his biggest mistake, The Dragon of Midnight an Impure Dragon was discovered by the others and turned into crystal by The Dragons.. As a result of this the Dragon of Night flew into a frenzy and attacked his friends, with his attacks flowed with impurity and with each attack he corrupted his friends more and more. The three dragons stood before him in his frenzy and used their combined power to turn him into a mountain where the Impurity sank down to the bottom deep into the sea... This mountain became the threes nest. Giving it the name Dragon Roost Island. They left the island and went their separate ways, and returned often to rest on their travels and mourn the loss of their friend. One day the dragon of Starlight returned with a Human Child that had ears and a Dragon Tail. The others had not cared and let the child stay on the island with them as they cared for it... Over the years this new race of creature had multiple and populated the islands forming the Dragonian Society... It's said that the-'

Dragon Haven Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora