Chapter 13

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Khalia's POV

"So um... We're on top of the castle but there's no room to fight..." I said watching Cayena push Luke up the stairs towards Vanila.

"Of course... I fight with an Aerial Mech remember? We'll be fighting while flying."

"But I have no way of flying, how can we fight in the air if I have no way of flying?" I asked and Serin and Fennia ran up the stairs.

"Lady Vanila... We have an emergency!" Serin shouted and Vanila turned to face her. "Master Phoenix.... Has revoked our control of the kingdom!"

"What!? But who would he pass it on too? We're very high ranking officers..."

"The highest rank below Master Phoenix..." Fennia said juggling one of the bombs. "Inquisitor Inda."

Chapter 13: Aerial Battle! The True Strength of Dragons.

"Inquisitor?" I asked. "Like Assassin Inquisitor, Prosecution Inquisitor...."

"Neither of those... Inquisitors are the highest ranking officers, there are four of them Inquisitor Nox, Inda, Orochi, and then there is they're leader... Fenrir, no one has ever seen him or his magic except for Master Phoenix. When will Inda be here?" Cayena asked Serin and Fennia.

"By tomorrow... Finish up your fight with this Dragon and we must be gone by the time he gets here." Serin said and with a quick bow they left.

"So then Dragon... How are you going to fly?" Vanila asked shooing Cayena downstairs with Luke.

"HEY BOSS!" A familiar voice shouted from the leaves Blazer appeared. "Foxwood said you needed some help?"

"Yes I do... I now have a method of flight... So Vanila are you ready?" I asked as Blazer grabbed my back.

"Of course. Light Spirit's Power." She calmly and the turbines of her Mech began to turn. "High Speed Punch!" She shouted and took off in high-speed blur towards me.

"Celestial Dragon Iron Fang!" I shouted and blocked her attack. "Celestial Dragon Roar!" I roared and the blast of magic engulfed Vanila.

"High Speed Combo!" She shouted again and struck me several times, these attacks pushed me back towards the edge.


"I understand!"

"Unison's Raid!" We shouted together and Blazer spread his wings and took off in flight.

"Mach Speed..... Celestial Reaver!" I shouted and we sped forward as blades of magic surrounded my arms and we passed by her slashing. Once we stopped in the middle of the air we turned to Vanila whose face was now covered in scratches, and her Mech lost a wing.

"You shouldn't have done that..... Heaven's Descent!" She shouted and blasters appeared on her remaining wing and fired twelve blasts of magic which shot us down.

We plummeted down towards the forest below. "Grab something!" Blazer shouted and I grabbed a branch which slowed us down but it broke and we kept falling.

"Celestial Dragon... Claws!" I shouted and grabbed another branch and we stopped. "Whew..." I sighed in relief and looked up to see a blur flying towards us... "Here she comes again.... Let's go!" I shouted and we took off once more. "Celestial Dragon... ROAR!" I shouted and again the blast of magic engulfed the blur. When the magic faded Vanila floated in midair, her Mech repaired and bigger with golden accents, her hair was longer, and she had a white and gold hat with a red jewel on it.

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