Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: The Dragon's Heart

We'd been flying for two days straight and were still so far away from Dracoveil city. "How much farther?" I asked Elijah who was acting as Navigator while the others were asleep

"Well at our current pace we'll be there in... Maybe two days or... Whoa!" Elijah exclaimed as our ship was blasted with a Geyser of steam. "Today... That wasn't exactly natural was it? It was one of the Phoenix knights." He said again and I activated the outer surveillance lacrima.

"Yep there they are. A small division to say at the least but still very dangerous." I said pointing at the group of hooded wizards that stared up at our ship. The wizards prepared another probably more deadly attack. "Okay I don't have time for this. Elijah." I said and he nodded and headed out on the deck. This time the wizards fired a blast of Magma which Elijah blocked with a wall of magic paper. The paper didn't burn it just simply blackened under the heat. The large wall of paper became a dome which he placed over the wizards.

"Done." He said from outside and I nodded looking forward once again. "There it is." I said looking out to a town that lay in ruins on top of a tall mountain. There was a large building in the center of the town that remained perfectly intact. "So he's still here..." I said and stopped the airship. I hit the button labeled Anchor and the anchor dropped and hooked itself in the ground. I left where I was to go join Elijah outside.

"Do you think he's here at the moment? He's usually at the old guild hall but he does go out sometimes." Elijah said as the two of us headed down the rope.

"Most likely. He wouldn't leave without a good reason." I said as we landed on the cooled molten ground. "The two of us should be enough. We don't exactly need a ten person crew." I said and we headed out to the old guild hall. Our shoes made the mesh ground of the ruined city ring as we walked in silence. We reached a four way crossroads and I stopped Elijah.

"Yeah. I sense them too... Show yourself!" Elijah shouted throwing a blade of paper up towards the roofs and the blade stopped when I collided with something invisible.

"Kekeke...~ Seems like these two aren't messing around Brother." A hidden voice laughed.

"Yes it seems like that." Another said and the invisible object was no longer hidden to us, it turned out to be a large shield "Who dares enter the territory of the Phoenix Sentinels?" They said again two people appearing from behind the shield.

"Brother I thought we were the Phoenix Assassins." The first voice said.

"It doesn't matter... We are two of the five Phoenix's Guards. I am Alagore The Infinite Wall."

"I am Chamel the Hidden Fire. Now then, who does dare to enter our territory?"

"I am Elijah the East Dragon General."

"I am Draygos Guardian of Dragons. But you can just refer to me as Kyle the Shadow Dragon Slayer."

"Oh these are members of the guild Dragon Haven, then we will have the pleasure of besting you."

Foxwood's POV

I yawned waking up to the fact that the ship was no longer moving. "Oh are we here? Or did Kyle fall asleep." I asked and pushed open my window to see someone walking on the deck of the ship carrying and old fashion lantern. "Huh? I don't know them."

"Ugh come on I was supposed to find those dumb cats so that they'll be easier to beat." They said opening doors and windows. I went down stairs to see the rest of us asleep still but Micah and Zac were missing. I left the barracks to confront him. "Oh crap, Chamel said they were all asleep... Ugh what are you doing little girl?" They asked and I stared at him, my hand turned into wood and I punched him the gut sending him flying across the deck.

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