Chapter 5

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Foxwood's POV

"I may have underestimated you... You're a lot stronger than I first though. This will be much more fun. Now let's go." Lukas said holding out his lantern.

"Not this time you don't Nature Dragon Stone Hammer!" I shouted smashing his lantern with my fist but my hand didn't break it, it just phased though it and was stuck in the middle. "W-what is this?" I asked and my hand turned back to normal and the lantern dropped me.

Chapter 5: Foxwood vs. Lukas

"Now my lantern knows that spell. Grey Rocks!" He exclaimed and giant stone fists appeared from the lantern striking at me.

"Nature Dragon, Stone Hammer!" I shouted clashing with this magic blocking each punch.

"What point is there in using the same spell as me...? I can increase the power 10 fold 20 fold even 50 fold!" He exclaimed and the stone fist were soon over powering me. I pulled back as the fists smashed the ground where I was standing shattering the ice and splintering the wooden deck.

"Fine then, Natural Balance.... Air!" I shouted the grey magic circle turning light blue. "Nature Dragon Whirlwind Uppercut!" I shouted and a tornado appeared under him as I punched into the air and it sent him flying.

"White Air!" Lukas said his bantering glowing white and he stopped falling. "Don't you remember I can control the spirits of magic? What was the point of that?!" He asked and I smiled panting.

"Natural Balance... Plants!" I shouted and the light blue turned into a deep green. "Nature Dragon, Vine Grab!" I said and placed my hands on the icy deck and a magic circle appeared and a large spiked vine appeared and I sent it far out to a forest at the base of the volcano. It returned holding a few trees It lowered them to me and I bit into the bark absorbing it's magic as I ate the tree. "Whew. Thanks Vine." I said and had it place the trees on the ground.

"Oh I see." Lukas said turning off his magic and falling down while his lantern locked it's self onto the vine absorbing its magic. "There we go. Green Vines!" HE said and vines rose from the ground beneath the lantern. He used the vines to grab me and lift me into the air. "You're at my mercy now!"

"T-that's what you think. Natural Balance!" I said and thought about it. "Metal!" I shouted and the green magic turned dark grey. "Nature Dragon, Metal Claws!" I shouted and my hands turned to sharp metal which cut the vines holding my arms

AN: Okay let me just clear this up. Natural Balance let's her change her magic but each type has only a small set of three spells and doing so exhausts her as per it uses a large sum of magic to alter what she's using.

"What the heck you can use metal too?!" Lukas shouted disengaging the vines.

"Anything found naturally in the world I can control, except Oil and Magic itself. Plants, trees, animals, not magma though." I said falling to the ground catching myself on the mast of the ship.

"Get down from there and fight me!" He shouted and his lantern glowed red. "Red fire!" He shouted and shot a blast of fire up at me.

"Okay no way. Nature Dragon: Metal Skin!'" I said and turned into solid metal and fell through the fire to the ground smashing through the ice and deck into the cargo hold. I turned back and shook my head. "Man I'm exhausted.... I've used so much magic and he's barely broken a sweat." I said and looked around. "Wait are these wooden crates?" I said and smiled taking a bite from them, I ate three crates before Lukas arrived. "Now then." I said spitting out a splinter. "Where were we?" I asked. "Natural Balance! Wood!" I said reverting back to my original magic.

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