Chapter 25

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Elijah's POV

While Dmitri and Micah gladly took the new clothes the over grown sea urchin had provided I refused and kept my old tattered cloak draped around me. I stood before a mirror with my hood down, I ran a hand through my unkempt long blue hair with a sigh, "You rarely have your hood down in front of others bro." Dmitri said and I glanced at him and sighed.

"Yeah..." I said and brushed my hair out of my face. My hair was always a sensitive topic for the guild, it made me look just like my father who betrayed the guild by exposing the existence of Necosifer and Aeros. "Paper cutter." I said and paper poured from my sleeves and formed sleek blades, I raised a finger and with a deep breath they rushed past my head and clumps of my hair fell to the ground. It was still just as long, couldn't change that even if I burned it, but it was tidier than it used to be.

"Watch where you're aiming those things." Micah said and I glanced at him in the mirror as he pulled one of the blades out of his pistol. I flipped my hood back on laughed a bit.

"Right." I turned around to face my brother and fellow guild mate. "Are you two ready?" I addressed them and they responded with a nodded, "I'd like to inform you that Alagore uses magical defense and offense magic. The only way I beat him was by giving his shields the same magnetic charge. It'll be difficult but..."

"What about the other one?" Dmitri interrupted me and I glanced down at him. "What's his magic."

"Light Maker magic. He's a bit of a pushover according to Zac. So we should be fine." Micah explained and I sighed, it can't be that simple. There has to be some sort of trick to this.

"Right but none the less stay on guard at all times. Now, let's get going." I said and Dmitri and Micah began to leave the room but I grabbed Micah's arm. "Hey uh... Micah..."


"Why aren't you upset... Your little brother's here too... Why aren't you more upset."

"Because.... He's just like his father... Ken will be fine... And it's that belief that makes him stronger than your brother." Micah smiled at me and I sighed and let go of is arm and he left the room.

"Yeah... Yeah you're right."

Chapter 25: Juggernaut

By the time we got there it was already raining. The docks were covered in a heavy mist and our only source of light was Dmitri's fist which burned under a paper umbrella I made. "It's peaceful here... I wonder where all the sailors and harbor men are." Dmitri said and I sighed.

"Probably hiding... I heard Kaiser made an announcement to stay indoors today at all times." I said and twirled the umbrella as I closed my eyes and took a breath.

"They're here." Micah said twirling his gun around his index finger and tossed it into the air and caught it. "Reequip, Wind charges." He said and held out his hands and a cartridge appeared in his hands and he switched it with was already in his gun, he tossed the old one into the air and it vanished. "Let's see what we can see." He said and fired a round and the mist began spiraling around it and cleared. There was a large ship at the end of the harbor, the ship had a phoenix motif and a man stood in front of it.

"Alagore!" I shouted and he didn't respond. "Hey! Talk to me!"

"Hmm I hate to say that but Alagore won't be talking to anyone for a while." A feminine voice said and from behind him appeared a girl in a kimono.

"Hey! You're that Selphia who had the dog Corrin!" Dmitri shouted and the girl laughed a bit.

"Oh and you're one of those two kids I defeated easily... And Corrin's a kitsune not a dog. But hey? This information is useless to dead men walking." She laughed and in her hand appeared slips of paper. "Pyre Seal!" She shouted and tossed them towards us.

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