Chapter 20

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Foxwood's POV

I returned to the large room I shared with Shard and just like Master Windfall said there was a stack of neatly folded clothes on my pillow along with a mint. "These are the clothes? Hmm, I prefer my kimono to be honest." I sighed and changed into the outfit and looked at myself in the standing mirror. The outfit was composed of a white shirt that said Dragon Roost Island on the back, along with a blue jacket and matching skirt with the Dragon Haven insignia on the trim, I paired it with black stockings and knee high boots. "Hmm, those three months really did a number on my hair, I can get it cut later..." I mumbled. For now I braided it and hung the braid over my right shoulder. I left my room and Zennia was leaning on the railing.

"You look good in that. Much better than I did when I had to wear that kind of outfit." Zennia said and I sighed.

"Listen, I don't want to talk about this outfit okay? It's a lot different than what I'm used to wearing." I said and Shard approached the door.

"Are you two ready? If so get out there... The seal's already been broken and you only have a few minutes to get out there.

"Okay thanks Shard." I replied and glanced at Zennia who nodded and we leapt over the railing to the bottom floor and stepped outside onto the bridge.

Chapter 20: Roads of Silk and Gold.

We arrived at the bridge waited for a few minutes until somebody appeared on the other side. "Odd... Seripha said nothing about their being guards here... No matter, it's just two girls I can take them."

"You sure about that? We're a lot tougher than we look."

"Sure you are... Well then I suppose we should introduce ourselves... It's only the polite thing to do. I am Seishin the Spirit Gate. Fourth rank in Seripha's 7 spirits. We're much stronger than those Phoenix Knights first division of Alagore's." The man said stepping forward towards us, he had glowing yellow eyes, and flowing white hair.

"Well then... I'm Foxwood the nature dragon slayer."

"Zennia, Zen Dragon slayer. Imperial Guard for Master Windfall. IF it's no offence to you were going to have to stop you from going any further."

"If you can stop me. Then sure go ahead. Spirits of Yonder and Old I implore thy strength to destroy all within my path. Zisurada queen of Undine come forth to my aid!" Seishin proclaimed a deep blue magic circle appearing on the bridge in front of us. Geysers shot up out of the water and poured into the magical circle which flooded the bridge up my ankles and from the water on the bridge came a beautiful woman with sad black eyes, silky black hair, and pale blue skin.

"I am Zisurada Queen of the undine race. I act upon the wishes of lord Seishin. Tell what shall I do?" The woman asked, her voice elegant and regal.

"Destroy the girls in front of us if you would."

"Gladly master... Sinful Geyser!" Zisurada shouted and the geysers rose again and propelled towards us.

"I got this! Natural Balance Stone. Nature Dragon Wall!" I exclaimed and the stone bridge rose up and blocked the geyser."

"Zisurada again! Destroy them!"

"Sinful Geyser!" She shouted blasting us with another geyser.

"Nature Dragon Wa..." I shouted and the wall rose but she broke through it knocking me back with the geyser. I slammed into the gate of the castle and fell down. Holes were burnt in my sleeves and stockings. "Hey these are brand new stockings!"

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