Chapter Part 15

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Elijah's POV

Kyle came storming down to the lower level of the Dragon's Glory and stood before us. "Okay guys... I know Khalia is an important part of our team but... We need to go home. She left because she can't use her arm and wanted to still be useful... If that is her wish, we should respect it. Inky has agreed to join our guild."

"Inky?" Zac asked tilting his head. "What happened while we were knocked out...?"

"In short... We wound up in the forest of Elves somehow, there I killed a giant serpent that was poisoning the Dew from the sacred tree.... Khalia, Foxwood, and I ended up fighting members of the Phoenix Knights and then one of the highest ranking members showed up and Inky saved Khalia."

"That wasn't a very short explanation." Micah said and the others nodded. "But any ways... We're going back home? If so then let's get to it!"

"Yeah but has anyone noticed that Alagore and Marvel are gone?" I pointed out and Zac nodded.

"Yes... Before we were knocked out Master Phoenix took Alagore and Marvel took off with them... I guess Eli and Lady Luck we're the only ones who weren't taken to the forest..."

"We did find you rather quickly.... There was a letter that said where you were and it brought us here." Lady Luck said sitting down on one of the beds.

"I'll be taking us home post haste.... We should be there in a day... I'll notify you guys when we're there okay?" He said going back to the upper deck.

Chapter 15: The Story of Mangrove Clock Tower.

Narrator: Meanwhile back in Mangrove city the Dragonling Team which is composed of some of the youngest members of the guild were having a meeting at their leader's house. AN: These three will be here for a while... This is a very important part of the story actually so don't skip it. And uh... They'll be the center of the story for about the rest of this chapter I'll bring them up when it's important to the story. I'm putting them in now because I have plans for the next chapter.

Dmitri's POV

"Alright Archer what's on the agenda for today's meeting of the Dragonlings?" I asked taking my seat amongst my two friends Archer and Ken.

"Well not much really... For the day time that is... Most of the plans for our Over Night meeting take place during the night..."

"Oh yes that's right! C'mon Dmitri you should know this." Ken said slugging me in the arm.

"Did you even know?" I asked punching back.

"What are these plans?"

"Well we planned to go to the old clock tower." Archer said reading over a list.

"Wait the one that's supposed to be haunted?" Ken asked shuddering a bit.

"Yes that one... Ken what are you scared?" I asked taunting.

"N-No way.... Totally not scared." He said quietly and I chuckled. "Hey stop laughing!"

"Moving on... Let's see.... Before going to the clock tower we're going to the guild hall. We'll sneak out at 8:00." Archer said and Ken nodded.

"Let's see it's six thirty right now... So that means we have two hours until we sneak out... So what should we do till then?" I asked.

"I say we should go to the lake." Archer suggested.

"I want to go to the Dragon Nest..." Ken said and I tilted my head.

"Well that's two good suggestions... But we need to be careful... If we aren't back by eight at either of those places..."

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