Chapter 11

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"W-what are you?" I asked backing away from him as he flipped his hood back on.

"I'm a broken human..." Luke replied quietly.

Chapter 11: Gunblade Lico

"You're a broken human what does that mean?" Foxwood asked and Luke approached us.

"Exactly what it sounds like.... I'm a human and I'm broken... As you can tell I don't function properly. I can't see a thing... I don't know what any of you looks like, I don't know what the snakes looked like I'm broken." He said holding his head down. It sounded like he was crying but no tears fell. "Twilight Forest disbanded three months ago. When some jerk named master phoenix destroyed our guild. Then to make things worse he spared my life but to make things worse he removed my eyes and left me like this..." He said, "I'm not here on a job I'm here because one of the King's Guards is a follower of the Phoenix Belief... I need to find him, to find a church so I can learn where this Phoenix is..." He cried and Foxwood stood up and walked over to him a hugged him.

"You're not a broken human, your just different now, you can hear better which is how you heard the trap, and the gears were rotating even before you activated it." She tried to cheer him up.

"Uh I hate to interrupt but that attack didn't end the Wyvern...." Khalia said and Foxwood turned to face the Wyvern which rose from the ground and roared.

"That was awfully loud, do you think it's summoning backup?" Luke asked readying his swords.

"Probably, Foxwood if guards show up keep them busy, our magic is the only thing that seems to be working." I said and she nodded and ran towards the stairs. "Okay punk bring it on!" I shouted and the wyvern roared and magic pulsated from him.

"Celestial Dragon Wing Attack!" Khalia shouted and the burst of magic stopped the attack from the wyvern. "Roar!" She shouted and the beam of magic sent the wyvern flying back.

"Dragon Slayer Secret Art!" I shouted as the Wyvern got back up and charged at us, "Shadow Reaver!" I exclaimed and the claw marks on my hands glowed and I grabbed the Wyvern's maw closing it. Large claws of shadow's formed around my hand as I released the wyvern and cut through its wings which caused it to fall to the ground, "Okay Luke you got this!" I shouted and he ran towards the wyvern.

"Skyward Assassination Gisander!" He shouted and the Wyvern was shot into the air, "Grandval!" He shouted and the Wyvern was suspended in the air. "Rivera!" He shouted and knocked the wyvern out of the air. The wyvern rose up and growled.

"This is getting really annoying..." I said and the magic around my hands dissipated. "Khalia are you ready?"

"For what?"

"Our Unisons Raid.... The true one." I said and she nodded. "Luke keep it busy." I said and Khalia and I sat facing each other and a magic circle appeared around us.

"Oh Great Father Heaven." Khalia stared causing the magic circle to glow

"And Great Mother Earth."

"Source of all dragons Heaven and Earth." We said in unisons, "The power of Shadows and Celestial magic flows through us, both heaven born magic, we call upon the power of Heavens to grant us victory upon our enemies. Unleash Dragon Slayer Forbidden Art: Grand Nebula." We finished and the room was filled with Darkness.

"Whoa." Luke said and stared as lights dotted the black magic. Once the only light seen was that of the false stars, the magic released in a large burst of magic which spiraled around burning the walls and floor. Once the spell was done and the magic circle faded and we relaxed ourselves panting.

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