Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Dragon Haven

Kyle's POV

"You won't get away this time Kyle!" Micah shouted and shot at me, I jumped and switched rails my boots locked onto the rail and continued on.

"Dragon Slayer secret art, Golden Shadow." I exclaimed and the room was filled with shadows and no one could see through but me.

"Fire Make, Lamps!" Zac exclaimed and the room was enlightened by the golden flames.

"Open gate of the Demon Slayer, Dorren!" Sara exclaimed and a large knight with an axe lunged towards me, I smashed it away and it crashed onto the floor. I continued along the rail turning to find my enemies. Nowhere to be seen I leapt to a new rail which would take me to the highest point of the rails. I looked around until I was sure I was safe.

"Field Change. City Docks." An electronic voice said and buildings rose out of the ground and the rails vanished. I fell and landed on a roof not too far from the roof. "Stay off the ground or else you'll alert the sleeping dragon, Aeros." They continued, "Flip the switch to choose the next exercise. Make a sound and you're out." Just Like Dillan, Foxwood, Alexa, and Max

"So it's a stealth mission." I said to myself and searched for the switch. I ran and jumped to the next roof and kept searching. I moved from roof to roof until I saw something. "A guard." I whispered staring at the guild member. I ducked behind a chimney and watched the guard search for someone.

"Hey Dallin you find anything yet?" He asked putting his fingers to his head. "Yeah me either I don't think anyone's on the roof." He said looking around and took his fingers off his head and walked around the roof. I'll have to be careful, I walked around the perimeter of the roof and dropped off the edge and slid into a window. I ducked out of the window and jumped to a lower one just above the ground. Now where could the switch be? I looked around for any clues and saw a lever sticking out of the wall. I grabbed the lever handle and pulled it down.

"Switch found, Sara, Khalia, and Zac eliminated from the round remaining competitors Kyle and Micah. Final match, Duel." The voice said and the field changed into an arena.

"Okay the rules are simple, you fall of you're out, you get knocked unconscious, you're out. Now are you ready?" The ref asked.

"Hey Kyle you ready."

"Of course are you?"

"As I'll ever be. Reequip!" Micah shouted and grabbed the two pistol that he summoned.

"Alright begin!" The ref shouted and Micah fired a series of shots at me which I slipped out of the way of them and charged.

"Shadow Dragon Iron Fist!" I exclaimed and smashed the ground where he was standing, "Dammit I missed." I continued and charged again, "Shadow Dragon Rolling kick!" I exclaimed and slammed down with my foot which missed again. "Micah stand still." I growled and continued my attack.

"No thanks." He said dodging my attacks, he put his guns up and fired rapidly. "Reequip!" HE exclaimed and exchanged the pistols for a single larger pistol. "Gatling Fire!" HE exclaimed and a multitude of pistols spun around him a fired the condensed bullets of magical energy in a vortex pattern, the guns after all were spinning around him.

"Shadow Dragon," I started inhaling, "ROAR!" I exclaimed and destroyed all the bullets and the area Micah stood in was empty except for a pile of smoking guns.

"I have to admit you would have got me. Except I'm smarter than that." He said and a gun barrel was placed on my back, "Admit you lose and we can end this."

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