Chapter 19

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Dmitri's POV

"I am getting so sick of being stuck in this room!" I shouted pacing back and forth. "Iron Knuckle!" I shouted and punched the wall leaving another dent in it that simply fixed itself. "GRAH!"

"Calm down Dmitri... Didn't that Orochi guy say that we're prisoners? It doesn't feel like It... This is a hotel room, he lets us order Room Service for free, and we're allowed to leave the room." Ken said knocking a ball back and forth to himself using his magic blades.

"Can you two stop being so loud, Bow is trying to sleep." Archer said gesturing to his sister who was sleeping calmly on one of the plush beds.

"Oh sorry." I said and growled.

"Calm down... We'll get out of here eventually. Okay?"

"'Kay..." I grumbled with a sigh when I heard foot steps outside the room.

"Someone's here..." Ken said and stopped the ball in place and raised one of the magical blades pointing it towards the door. We sat and waited, the door never opened and the footsteps continued farther away from us.

Chapter 19: Dragonlings: Hope of Dragons!

"Well that was disappointing." I sighed and opened the door and glanced about, the interior of the hotel portion of this castle was illuminated by torches, and the natural sunlight that flooded in from the ceiling had long since faded as night had overtaken the long day. "I'm going to go after those footsteps okay?"

"Not alone, if you and I were older then maybe you could go by yourself but since you're not as strong as your brother I'm going with you." Ken said and stood up and followed me out of the room closing the door behind us.

The two of us followed the steps up towards the top of the castle. WE walked along for a bit until we heard the steps stop and then a voice followed, "Corrin." It was a girl's voice and there was a puff of smoke.

"You called Seripha?" A man's voice said.

"Yes I did, Corrin I want you to contact Master Phoenix and tell him that I shall be taking care of Master Windfall's seal tonight. Have him mobilize." Seripha said and their footsteps continued until they got to a point where we could see them, we moved a bit so we weren't in sight.

"Alright Seripha. I'll be going now or will there be something else?"


"Alright." Corrin said and disappeared.

"Now then.... Pyre Seal!" Seripha shouted and a piece of paper flew towards us.

"Sword Storm!" Ken shouted and diced the paper in half with one of the paper.

"Children? No matter you may blab to that fool Windfall, I'm sorry but... Mirage Seal!"

"Geyser Fist!" I shouted and punched the ground and blocked another of her attacks. "Iron Knuckle!" I shouted and struck at her.

"Power Seal." She said and blocked my punch.

"Sword Storm!" Ken shouted and snapped his fingers and the magical blades struck down at Seripha.

"Pyre Seal!" She blocked the attack with the paper which burst into flames.

"Over here. Iron Knuckle!"


"Over here." Ken shouted and sent another barrage of swords at her.

"... You're infuriating! Pyre seal!" She shouted and pushed me away and surround herself in a circle of floating paper. They burst into fire and she was gone.

Dragon Haven Book 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora