Chapter 8

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Elijah's POV

As Kyle lead Chamel off into the city away from me and Alagore. We were in a stare down waiting for either of us to go first. "Paper Rapier!" I exclaimed and paper rushed from my sleeve forming the thin paper blade. I rushed towards Alagore who slammed his shields together.

"Level 10 Magic Defense!" He said as I struck his shield, the slash barely even made a scratch. "Foolish Dragon, Paper could never be able to pierce metal." Alagore said and I kept striking his shield, eventually the shields broke apart.

Chapter 8: Paper vs. Metal

"Oh really?" I said and slashed at his armor. He swung and knocked me away with one of his shields the rapier falling apart. He leapt off the roof shields together and dove towards me.

"Paper Shield!" I shouted and paper formed a large shield in front of me and he crashed into it. He landed on the mesh ground and I broke apart the shield into floating blades. "Dash!" I shouted and the blades flew down and dashed through his armor which barely even seemed damaged. "O-okay then on to plan B. Paper Long sword!" I shouted and the paper formed a sword in my hand.

"Level 20 magic defense." Alagore said smashing his shields together once more and I struck the shield. I smiled and left a piece of paper on the left side of his shield. I swung again leaving a piece of paper on the right shield and swung a third time down the middle and the shields separated. "Obviously I underestimated you... Level 30 magic defense!" He shouted and went to smash his shields together but they only repelled each other. "W-what the."

"I put spell tags on them! Giving them both a Positive Magnetic Charge now they'll repel each other. Simple science now then let's go!" I shouted and charged at him. He blocked me with the right shield and I pushed harder. "No breaking me." I said pushing against my longsword against the shield. "Come on, you can't hold up your defense forever..." I growled as the paper sword broke and I fell towards the shield. I did a front flip and kicked the shield and pushed him away. "Okay then.... Paper sword don't work that well... Paper hammer!?" I shouted and the paper formed a large war hammer in my hand. I ran at him a smashed his shield which cracked and shattered.

"Magic Defense Level 70." Alagore said and blocked my second swing with his left shield. "You may have reduced half of my defense to rubble but don't think that this is all I can do." He said as I swung again.

"Then prove it. Paper Whirlwind!" I shouted pushing my hammer on his shield as paper spiraled from my sleeves and swirled around us. The papers lifted both of us high into the air knocking us off balance. I smashed his shield with my hammer. The winds blew my hammer apart and the whirlwind stopped I dropped down to the roof tops panting. "I used too much magic on that last attack... Maybe I should use less magic." I said and Alagore landed on the roof across from me.

"You seem tired. Would you like to rest for a moment?" Alagore asked. W-was he being nice to me?

"N-no I'm good. Let's just keep fighting." I said sighing quietly.

"You seem tired... Are you sure you don't want to rest?" He asked and I nodded. "Okay then let us continue." He nodded and ran off the edge of the roof and leapt towards me. HE threw a punch at where I was standing and I evaded the attack and he smashed the roof.

"W-whoa... No wonder you're first in command that was powerful."

"Thank you, and you hold up to the title of Dragon General, you've proven to be a powerful adversary."

"But how are you so strong even without your shields?"

"I may possess defensive magic but I can still use it for offense, I can use Magic Defense when I punch to sort of defend myself from what I punch, it's like hitting you with a shield but it's with my fist instead."

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