First Day [Part 1]

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The events of last night are still very frightening. Who the heck was that guy? What was he? I still don't understand what he was trying to tell me.

I don't have time to think about it. I really need to get ready for school. I hop from my bed and hurried over to my closet. I pulled out my favourite pair of ripped high rise blue jeans. They aren't pre-ripped they are all natural. Along with the jeans, I held up a hanger with a long sleeve white crop top hanging from it. With the jeans I won't be showing off to much skin.

I quickly changed. I didn't know what to do with my hair so I just left it. It looked fine to me. I don't bother putting makeup on. I don't really like wearing it. It just makes me look like a Barbie doll, so I don't wear it.

When I was sure I didn't forget anything, I made my way down the stairs, around the corner, and into the kitchen. Jessica was already in he room. She was hired at a bakery. She always had a knack for sweets and baked goods. her uniform consists of a variety colours. Her light pink apron covered most of her white shirt and black leggings. On her feet she had a pair of black runners. Upon her head was a hair net covered by a cake that had light blue, pink, and purple lollypops sticking out of it. I tried to hold back my laughter. "Oh ha, ha, very funny," Jessica said. "Don't think I don't know what's going through that head of yours."

A small snort escaped. "Hey, you can't blame me. It's just to funny." Jessica mouth curved up slightly. I can't believe how much I've missed her being like this. Mind reading does help a lot.

"Come get your breakfast," Jess said.

"What are we having today?" I ask.

"Pancakes," Jessica said smiling with a plate of chocolate chip pancakes. I mentally fist pump the air. Good, she made my favourite. Now the day will start out great. She pulled out a plate for me and chucked two onto it, drizzling it with syrup. I noticed I didn't have any cutlery. Jessica turned away for a slight second. With another one of my gifts I pulled out the drawer full of silverware. A fork and knife dance across the air in beautiful sync. They made it to me just as Jessica turned around. I quickly shut the drawer. Yes, I can use telekinesis.

"So, what time did you get up this morning?" I ask so she wouldn't here the drawer closed.

"Around 6. It's still to early for me," Jess said. "But I shouldn't complain. Other people wake up far earlier then me." Jessica released a sigh. "Do you need a ride to school?"

"No I think I'll walk," I said.

"Is there a specific reason for that?" Jessica asked.

"I just need to clear my head," I said taking the first bite of the pancakes. The sweet flavour pleased my taste buds. In no time, I devoured the pancakes. Getting up from my seat, I pushed in my chair, grabbed my messenger bag, snatched my house keys, and made my way to exit the kitchen. "What time will you be home at?"

"Around 5. You'll have to make us dinner," Jessica said. I nod. "Don't forget you're schedule. It's by the front door on the little table."

"Alright, thanks Jess. I'll see you at 5," I said.

"Bye Harmony," Jessica said waving me goodbye. I exit the room. Reaching into my bag, I pull out my Sony headphones along with my iPhone. I press play on my favourite playlist. Carnivores by starset started playing. I reached the front door and picked up the schedule on the little table to the right. I opened the front door to the warm radiant sun. The peaceful neighbourhood gave me a powerful sensation. I felt so safe.

Goddess. The words moved around in my mind. It wasn't the same voice as Derik's. A powerful unfamiliar presence shot threw the air sending a huge gust of wind. The safety I once felt disappeared within seconds. My key necklace began to glow.

I need to get out of here! Without a second thought, I bolted towards the school. I should be safer in a public place.

You will never be safe Goddess.


I reached the school. My legs were tired from the 'running for my life' ordeal. My breath was heavy. That was the third most scariest thing that's happened in my life. My heart was beating as fast as a rabbits. I tried very hard to calm myself down, but to no avail. Some people walked past me.

Whoa what's up with her, one thought.

What a freak, thought another. Sometimes I really wish I didn't have these gifts. One: I'm invading people's private thoughts. Two: I sometimes almost blurt out a response to their thoughts. Three: I hear everything people are thinking about me. It just doesn't make me feel all that great when it isn't good things.

Finally feeling calm, I take in a deep breath. Might as well get this day over and done with. I pulled the door open. The sound of feet hitting the floor and chattering filled the air almost instantly. The school was busy for such a small town. There looked to be like a few hundred students from where I stood at the front of the school. I wonder if the rest of the school is this packed.

"Hey You!" Called out a voice. I spun around to come face to face with a familiar set of brown eyes. Tony stared down at me. He brushed his fingers threw his black hair. "You're Harmony, right?"

"Uh yeah," I said.

"Oh good. I didn't forget," Tony said. "Yesterday at the Grill, when the glass simultaneously exploded, did you get hurt? I saw you run out right after."

"N-no I'm fine," I said.

"Are you sure?" He asks. I nod. "Okay good."

"Why do you ask?"

"Oh I was just concerned for my customers safety," he said. Why is she so cute. I just feel so safe around her. His words spoke to me. A slight red hue gave colour to my pale cheeks. My mind was elsewhere as I continued to stare into those brown orbs.

Goddess. My mind was quickly brought back.

"Sorry, I really should be going to my locker. If I can navigate through this school," I said looking around. I felt like something bad was going to happen.

"Do you want me to help?" Tony asked.

"No thanks. I think I got it from here," I said giving him a warm smile. He smiled back.

"Alright, I guess I'll see you later," Tony said.

"Yeah see ya," I said.

"Bye." And with that, we went our separate ways.


I arrive at locker 360 on the top floor. I look down at the lock. Pulling out my schedule, I checked my lock code. 32, 22, 36, that's easy enough. Putting in the code, I attempt to open the locker. It opened. The locker looked bare, like the first day of every school year. I started piling all my stuff into my locker.

"Whoa look at the new girl," whispered a guy to his friends. Well, the whispers were more like loud whispers. I could hear them threw the stomping feet of passing students.

"She's cute," Said his friend. I wasn't sure if they were talking about me. Wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible, I shut my locker, locked it, and joined the herd of stomping students.

Goddess, there's no place to hide. I will find you. And with that I sped up my pace.

This is going to be a long day.

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